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Pragmatic Bus

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are u kidding me with this bull**** about poor gameplaning.

lets see

the gameplan was to not let SD run all over us (check)

let the bitching fans see why we didn't let favre throw a lot in the first 2 games (check)

other than bad calls by bob sutton i dont see any huge problems by the coaching staff

and i've been against bob sutton forever.

the fact is that SD wanted it more than the jets did simple as that. this game is not about gameplaning and play calling and talent

its not about who is the fastest, the strongest, the biggest, Football is and always will be about "Who wants it more?" and the only way you learn that is when u realize that your good is not good enough you have to be great all the time, and this team does not have that yet. these player are softees and mangini made a mistake by letting them off with an easy camp. he should have made them suffer all camp like he did in 2006 when they went to the playoffs.

its not too late the the season is young, SD went 1-3 last year and giants started horrible too so i'm not worried but i am concerned over the toughness of these player.

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