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Anyone catch Oprah yesterday with L. Coles?

Ryno the Jet

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Sorry if this was already posted:

I came home from work yesterday and my TV was still in ABC from MNF. Who do I see sitting beside Oprah? Our own #87! Shocking stuff, turns out Coles wanted to come out nationaly to reveal his childhood secret. Basically, long story short, Coles' stepfather molested him at gunpoint when he was younger every night while his mother was at work. Really sad story, and I hope all his teamates and the rest of the NFL will respect him for this. This took huge testicles.

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I caught it last night about 2am. I found it very disturbing that him & his family never spoke about the situation till that day.

Why not? did his mother feel to guilty? GOOD. She should feel guilty.

No kidding, that was very odd. How could you not make sure everything was ok as possible with your own child?

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Didn't seem like she cared much at all. Untill she was Oprah of course :roll:

Odd isn't the word,Neglect is.

Neglect is a better word, but amazingly enough this guy is in the NFL making millions. Even with the troubles he had at FSU, this is an amazing story. I've done some stupid crap as well, and I do not have near the excuse this guy has. I wouldn't blame him for being a serial killer after what he went through, but he's a class act millionare. Much respect.

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