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Rashard penisface Mendenhall: bin Laden defender and 9-11 truther.

Sperm Edwards

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Well, yeah. Either way it's nihilism masquerading as self-righteousness. I mean, if we can't judge bin Laden for 9/11, then we can't judge Crush for gluttony or JiF for sodomy or you for knowing math, in which case we may as well shutter up the Walmarts and move to the woods and wait for the Big Fella to sort this whole human civilization thing out.

And certainly I wouldn't suggest that we can't judge bin Laden for 9/11, but at the same time it's equally foolish to do so at the expense of acknowledging objective reality. The attacks were illegal, immoral, reprehensible, and unjustifiable, but that doesn't mean that they weren't also the direct and predictable consequence of a litany of legitimate grievances over American foreign policy in the Middle East, just like the Arab world has the Caliphate to thank for the fact that it spent most of the twentieth century getting kicked around. Taking sides is just a convenient excuse for conveniently suspending acknowledgement of the fact that causes precipitate effecs. Corpses beget corpses. That's how it works. There will be retaliation. Innocent people will be killed. Arguing over whether the celebration is appropriate is just everybody looking backward instead of forward and is precisely the reason why this sh*t will keep happening forever.

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he hasn't proven it. they've shown a copy, not the real thing. not that i care really, he's already president and already screwed the country. the man had every opportunity to unite this country and he failed. even his own party won't stand behind him or next to him. and not all, but a lot of black people are more racist then white. just my opinion.

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he hasn't proven it. they've shown a copy, not the real thing. not that i care really, he's already president and already screwed the country. the man had every opportunity to unite this country and he failed. even his own party won't stand behind him or next to him. and not all, but a lot of black people are more racist then white. just my opinion.

Go Jets.

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And certainly I wouldn't suggest that we can't judge bin Laden for 9/11, but at the same time it's equally foolish to do so at the expense of acknowledging objective reality. The attacks were illegal, immoral, reprehensible, and unjustifiable, but that doesn't mean that they weren't also the direct and predictable consequence of a litany of legitimate grievances over American foreign policy in the Middle East, just like the Arab world has the Caliphate to thank for the fact that it spent most of the twentieth century getting kicked around. Taking sides is just a convenient excuse for conveniently suspending acknowledgement of the fact that causes precipitate effecs. Corpses beget corpses. That's how it works. There will be retaliation. Innocent people will be killed. Arguing over whether the celebration is appropriate is just everybody looking backward instead of forward and is precisely the reason why this sh*t will keep happening forever.

it wouldn't if we brought our troops home and drilled for oil in our own country and developed alternative energy sources.

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