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Chat with Rich Cimini

Welcome to SportsNation! On Friday, ESPNNewYork.com writer Rich Cimini stops by to chat about the Jets.

Cimini, longtime Jets beat writer for the New York Daily News and a Syracuse University graduate, covers the Jets for ESPNNewYork.com.

Send your questions now and join Cimini Friday at 1 p.m. ET!

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Rich Cimini

(1:03 PM)

Hello, everyone. Thanks for stopping by. Let's start chatting. Unlike LeBron, I intend to get better as we go along and finish strong.

matt (pittsburgh pa)

Rich, revis will be a jet for life right? and whats holmes going to get contract wise? hes worth every penny

Rich Cimini

(1:05 PM)

Matt, I don't think you can ever say a player will be with a certain team for life. It happens so rarely in the current NFL. Who'da figured Montana as a Chief? Favre as a Jet, Viking? Revis has 3 more yrs on his contract and I'm sure, when this lockout madness is over, the Jets will try to extend him. The goal, of course, is to make him a Jet for life. Holmes, I suspect, is looking for 10mm per yr.

Rachel (Hattiesburg)

Rich, what are the odds the Jets sign either Plax or R Moss? Do you think they should sign either one? Thanks

Rich Cimini

(1:06 PM)

Well, Rachel, I've been pretty outspoken on the Moss issue: I don't think the Jets should sign him. I'd rather have Plax because of the motivation/hunger factor. That said, I think the Jets would have a better shot at Moss if they lose Holmes or Edwards.

Chris Fiegler (Latham,NY)

In the History of the NFL Draft,What was the Absolute Worst Selection that the New York Jets Made?

Rich Cimini

(1:07 PM)

Chris, this is like a hanging curve to Big Papi. To me, there's no debate. It's Gholston. You can say Blair Thomas or Lam Jones, but those guys at least were quasi-productive for a short time. Gholston did NOTHING.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, After watching Wilkerson on tape wouldn't you think he reminds you of a younger S. Ellis?

Rich Cimini

(1:10 PM)

That's interesting, Ira. I think the young Shaun Ellis had more burst and edge speed. I see Mo Wilk as more of a power player. Wilk is about 25 lbs heavier than Ellis when he came out of Tenn in 00. Believe me, the jets would be happy if Mo Wilk has the career Ellis has had.

Rich (Back in N.J.)

Rex Ryan thinks Darrelle Revis will be the best in franchise history. I feel Revis is one of the best CB's in the league but do you think he would have his hands full going up against Joe Namath & Don Maynard while in their prime?

Rich Cimini

(1:12 PM)

I asked Maynard if he could get open against Revis and, without hesitation, he said yes. But he qualified it by saying he could get open against any corner. He listed 2 reasons: Namath and his ability to outsmart the defender. I agree with Curtis Martin. When all is said and done, Revis will be known as a better player at his position than any Jet in history.

snow_monkey (Sweden)

Has Vlad Ducasse shown any indication that he'll be ready to contribute this season? Are the coaches happy with his development?

Rich Cimini

(1:14 PM)

Schottenheimer told me last week that Vlad will be ready, but of course, how would he know that? Coaches can't talk or supervise players during the lockout. Clearly, the Jets are counting on him to start. Whether he's ready is another story. This lockout really hurts a guy like him.

Matt (Weehawken)

Rich, any update on Kenrick Ellis's pending legal matter?

Rich Cimini

(1:14 PM)

Still pending.

nate (@DLEE10) (nyc)

hey rich, i get a feeling that wilkerson is gonna be a star in the league do u see that as a possibility??

Rich Cimini

(1:16 PM)

I don't think he's gonna come in and be N. Suh, if that's what you're asking. He definitely has the size and power, and it seems like he wants to be good. That's important. But I think it will take time. Can't wait to see him in camp vs. Brick in a 1 on 1. Then we'll see how he fares against an elite LT.

jake (kansas city)

There are a ton of free agent safeties such as landry, whitner, weddle, etc. Do you think the Jets try to sign one of them or bring back Pool and or Eric Smith?

Rich Cimini

(1:17 PM)

I wouldn't rule out a newcomer at safety, but I just don't think the Jets are gonna pay premium $ for a safety, not with all the money they will have invested at CB. I could see Pool and/or ESmith back in green.

John (Sleepy Hollow)

Hey Rich, Are there any underrated non-starting Jets players who you see as having the potential become gamechangers (a la Woodhead)?? A lot of those guys only get a real chance to shine in the preseason.Thanks

Rich Cimini

(1:19 PM)

Great question, John. I think Cumberland has some tools as a receiving TE. Westerman is ready to make a move at OLB. Keep an eye on Logan Payne; the organ thinks a lot of him.

Smashburger Manager (Florham Park, NJ)

Rich, my business is down 80%. When are the Jets coming back?

Rich Cimini

(1:20 PM)

Sorry about that, Smash. I've heard positive reports on your place from other Jets writers. Me, right now I prefer Five Guys. sorry.

Dave (NJ)

Rich, We see alot of Jets players where we live. Which players would you say are the really good guys to approach?

Rich Cimini

(1:22 PM)

There are many approachable guys on the team, too many to list. By and large, it's a very good locker room in terms of personalities.

Anthony (Poconos)

When comparing the 3 top QBs from the 2009 draft class, a lot of writers have started to anoint Freeman as the player with the most potential over Stafford and Sanchez. Stafford has shown that he has been prone to injury, and Sanchez has thrown more interceptions and has a low completion percentage. I think they are all going to be good QBs, and while Freeman got 10 wins last year, he hasn't taken his team to the playoffs, lost to the Falcons twice last year in the regular season... while Sanchez has taken the Jets to two consecutive postseasons. People are quick to label Sanchez as overrated, but I think people are starting to overrate Freeman and underrating the good things Sanchez has done.

Rich Cimini

(1:24 PM)

To me, Freeman has the best physical tools of all three and might have the best long-term potential. But, you're right, a QB has to win in the postseason to make his mark (no pun intended) and Sanchez has done that. Stafford gets an INC because he's always hurt.

Oz (CT)

If the lockout ends by July 15th with a new CBA, where is thier mindset with regards to retaining their free agents vs looking outside ?

Rich Cimini

(1:25 PM)

Their goal is to re-sign as many of their own as they can. The priorities, I believe, are Holmes, Cromartie, Edwards and B. Smith. When they lose one, they'll look outside. They have to, especially at WR.

John (Boston College)

Hey Rich, given how long the lockout could go, do you see a chance that we see similar rules to last year's offseason, with it being difficult for players to move from one contending team to another and basically a normal offseason being pushed back to next year? Because I sure would love it, as I'm sure other Jets fans would too. Thoughts?

Rich Cimini

(1:27 PM)

There are some definite benefits for the Jets to having the '10 rules, but I don't think that's going to happen. It appears the 2 sides are working toward a new CBA, and that probably will mean a salary cap and pre-2010 rules.

Logan (Michigan )

Santana Moss come back to Jets?

Rich Cimini

(1:28 PM)

You know, that's a very interesting thought. I'd rather have him than Randy. I think Santana still can be a vertical threat, and there are some people in the organ who like Santana a lot. Problem is, if it's Santana and Holmes, you're talking about 2 small recs. They need a bigger target for Sanchez.

Jeff (NY, NY)

Do you think that the Jets would have any interest in Pryor in a Brad Smith type role?

Rich Cimini

(1:30 PM)

I don't think there are enough car dealerships and tattoo parlors in the Florham Park area that would keep Pryor happy.

Casey (Bayonne, NJ)

Rich, is there any chance that Sanchez restructures his contract to give the Jets some flexibility to resign Holmes and/or Edwards?

Rich Cimini

(1:31 PM)

You should be a cap guru, Casey. Yes, I can see that happening. I think Sanchez is due to make close to $15M this year in base pay. They could give him a chunk of that in the form of a signing bonus and pro-rate it over the final 3 yrs of his contract -- a simple restructuring that would save cap space.

Bill (NY)

Rich, gun to your head, who would say are the starting WRs and DBs for the 2011 Jets?

Rich Cimini

(1:32 PM)

Please, let's not play with guns. Look what happened to Plaxico.

Michael (Bloomfield, NJ)

Rich, the last couple of seasons have seen instances where the Jets did not grant permission to have assistants interview for Coordinator/HC positions. I was of the impression that a team couldn't stop a coach from looking at a position that would be a promotion and not a lateral move. Maybe it's unwritten. What's the league's attitude towards this?

Rich Cimini

(1:34 PM)

There are very specific rules. Unless it's for a head coaching job, his team can deny permission. In other words, the Jets didn't have to let Callahan interview for the Titans OC job.

MEL31602 (Bardonia, NY (soon to be Newhouse))

Disagree on the bust question. At least scouts and pundits had Gholston being picked that high. What about all those reaches the Jets made over the years- those are more bust-worthy in my opinion. Like taking a FB in round 1 or a kicker in round 2

Rich Cimini

(1:36 PM)

I can see your point, but there's a difference between a bad pick (Haight, Vick, etc) and a bust. By the way, congrats on being accepted to Newhouse. Great, great school. I'm biased, of course.

Kevin (Boston)

Did the Jets have Wilson rated ahead of McCourtey? Can Wilson possible catch up to that level of play?

Rich Cimini

(1:37 PM)

Rex Ryan told me the night of the draft that they preferred Wilson over McCourty because they felt he was a better man-to-man corner -- a better fit in their system. Of course, that was AFTER the Jets picked Wilson. I know they were very close on the Jets' board.

Mac Berman (Woodmere, NY)

What do you think will happen to Greg McElroy in future years. Do you think he'll stay on the bench as a solid number 2 in years to come or will the Jets try to ship him?

Rich Cimini

(1:40 PM)

There are a lot of variables. Right now, they see him as a long-term back up to Sanchez, but if he gets an opportunity for extended PT (a Sanchez injury) and increases his value, he could be a bargaining chip down the line. Eventually, of course, he'll be a free agent.

Anthony (NYC)

Rich I was wondering if Jimmy Smith were available what do you think the Jets would have done?

Rich Cimini

(1:41 PM)

Great question, Anthony. I don't have the answer, but my gut tells me they would've picked him. Rex liked him and, as we know, he can be very persuasive. Obviously, the Jets aren't afraid of taking chances, as we saw with Kenrick Ellis.

Brett (CT)

Will Edwards be back in a jet uniform? He said he would take a hometown discount!

Rich Cimini

(1:43 PM)

I don't think he'll be back unless Holmes bolts. Yeah, he said he'd take a hometown discount, but he was specifically asked that question, so what was he supposed to say? It wasn't unsolicited.

Dave (NJ)

How has Jim Leonard's rehab going? Do you expect him to be back at full strength? Really need him.

Rich Cimini

(1:44 PM)

Leonhard tweeted last week, I think, that he feels great and that he's running and that he loves his new titanium leg. You're right, they really need him -- on many levels.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, I feel Revis right now is the best CB that has ever played in the NFL including D. Sanders. Revis gets the edge because he is a more physical player and trmendous tackler. Your thoughts?

Rich Cimini

(1:46 PM)

Whoa, Ira, let's take a step back. Revis has that kind of potential, but he's had only 3 elite seasons. He needs a few more before we start mentioning him with the all-time greats. Interestingly, Curtis Martin told me that, if Revis stays healthy and plays at least another 5 yrs, he'll be a top-5 all-timer -- regardless of position.

Mario (Connecticut)

What is the likelihood of a shortened season, and does that play into the Jets hands of winning a superbowl?

Rich Cimini

(1:47 PM)

The Jets' chances would be helped if there was a shortened AFC title game -- shortened to, like, one half.

Ike (PA)

Rich, what kind of knucklehead is Kenny Britt? Million-dollar talent and a 10-cent head. Wouldn't you think someone on Titans would take him under their wing and kick his a$$ a little, rather than coddle him?

Rich Cimini

(1:48 PM)

Remember, there were a lot of questions about Britt's character before the draft. He needs to start acting like a grown man.

Shane (Los Angeles, CA)

I like Rex Ryan's enthusiasm & fire, but don't you think he should target winning his division before guaranteeing a SB?

Rich Cimini

(1:50 PM)

Rex isn't a guarentee-the-division kind of guy. Why do that when you can predict going all the way? I'm half-joking. You're right. That's why his guarantees come off as hollow.

Anthony (Poconos)

Hearing that Kyle Wilson is working out with Revis is a huge plus considering that he hasn't been able to get in any time with the coaching staff this off season. If he starts this year, do you think he'd perform any better at an outside corner position versus the slot? Considering the slot was new to him, he might have an easier time on the outside... though all of that hinges on if Cromartie is back or not.

Rich Cimini

(1:52 PM)

Smart move, working out with Revis. Yeah, he'd be better on the outside, but how can the Jets hand him that job? They need Cro or a veteran CB. Wilson will have to learn the slot because that's where he's going to be in the immediate future.

Terrence (NYC)

From watching highlights of Wilkerson, I think he reminds me more of a Trevor Pryce- interior rusher, holds the point of contact, long arms, big dude. The wild card on the defense is the secondary and what happens with Cro and how they build the safety position - I think Lowery and Leonhard is a good tandem, but undersized- any chance we address that in Free Agency?

Rich Cimini

(1:53 PM)

Funny you mention Pryce. Rex Ryan said after the draft that Wilkerson reminds him or Pryce. The Jets would sign up for that right now.

Anthony (NYC)

Rich will Westerman & Ropati have bigger roles with the defense this season

Rich Cimini

(1:56 PM)

I think Westerman definitely will have a chance to work his way into the defensive rotation. As for Pitoitua, it depends on his health. That's a serious injury. A couple of wks ago, he said he was 75%. Guessing he starts camp on the PUP list.

Anthony (Poconos)

What are the chances we see the released Jets players from last year make a return for this season? Woody probably has the best chance, then it's more questionable if Jenkins and Taylor return. Probably depends on how Kendrick Ellis and Westerman pan out (if they ever get to camp)

Rich Cimini

(1:57 PM)

I agree with you, Anthony. I think Woody has the best chance. I really don't see Jenkins and Taylor in the mix at all.

Kevin (Boston)

Why is everyone outside the organization so down in Shonn Greene? 1300+ yards with under 300 carries career.

Rich Cimini

(1:58 PM)

I don't think they're down on him. They've been saying since the draft that he'll be the feature back this year.

Paul (Erie)

Do you see TJ Conley as the punter? He was talked up pretty good at the end of hard knocks last year as being NFL ready.

Rich Cimini

(1:59 PM)

Conley cost me the writers' roster pool a couple of yrs ago in training camp because I drank the Kool Aid being served by the Jets. The way I see it, he owes me about $150.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, I don't care what the league is saying you know the agents have their clients all lined up and ready to sign with teams. Once free agency does start how crazy is it going to be like?

Rich Cimini

(2:00 PM)

It'll be mad crazy, Ira. But it always is the first week, and then it calms down.

Michael (Bloomfield, NJ)

Given that this is Westhoff's final season, is his assistant most likely to be the next SC coach? And who is the assistant?

Rich Cimini

(2:02 PM)

Ben Kotwica, the current asst, is being groomed. But it wouldn't shock me if Westhoff decides to give it another go in '12.

Rich Cimini

(2:03 PM)

That's it for this week, folks. As always, thanks for spending some time here and asking great questions. Hopefully, I didn't pull a LeBron. I'll have a chat recap soon on the blog. Have a great weekend. Rich.

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