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One good reason not to play in money leagues.


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Totally unreal. The money league I'm in just ended it's regular season this week. I made the playoffs with the final seed. All seems fine and dandy right? Well, this is where it gets good. The commissioner is also in this league and made the playoffs too. This week, he pulled the following trade with a team that didn't make the playoffs.

Kevin Jones - 100 points

Eric Parker - 112 points


Brian Westbrook - 213 points

Chris Chambers - 175 points

Could this clown make it anymore obvious. What's worse is he will be playing me in the first round of the playoffs. I'm absolutely livid. I sent an email to him and all owners in the playoffs but I think this is a group of friends. I only know one of the guys so that leaves me as the odd man out. It should be interesting to see what happens.

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Never play in money leagues with people you don't know. Never turns out good.

That's bad.

That's the thing, I know the one guy really well and he's the one that asked me. I figured if he knew the rest of these guys that it would be all good. I didn't figure to win any money but damn, I didn't want to go out like this.

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It sucks when friends screw you over in Fantasy Football. :mrgreen:

FYI...there should have been a trading deadline a few weeks before the playoffs began.

He's not my friend. I only knew one of the guys in the league and had no part of it that I know of. He actually did trade Chris Chambers to this other guy two weeks beforehand in a pretty lopsided trade. I don't think he knew that that guy would go on to trade Chambers to a guy in the playoffs though. I've formed a protest though. At least two of the other guys in the playoffs have contacted him as well to tell him it's BS. The funny part is Westbrook is out for the season now but he'll still have a good fantasy player in Chambers. The trade hasn't gone through yet and if it does there will be chaos.

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This just keeps getting better and better. The commish agreed to pull his trade but then went on to say he was also pulling the money off the table and making it a "fun" league. Immediately, everyone started pulling trades with all the teams out of the playoffs. I stayed the course though and have taken no part in any of the shenanigans. My reward? 183 points last week and 187 points this week in the first round of the playoffs. I'M ROLLING!! I'm seriously pissed that it's not a money league anymore though. I was the last seed but I have gotten hot and don't foresee anyone stopping me.

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