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NY Jets Training Camp Report 08/14


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I think what you are saying is that all of the marketing that has brought us the 4-basic food groups and food pyramids and the recommended healthy diets since the 40's and 50's, all of which advocate excessive amounts of dairy and animal-based proteins, make no distinction between whole grains and processed sh*t, and recommend minimal amounts of whole fruits and veggies is all a lie perpetuated by the FDA which is funded by the organizations that stand to gain from Americans 1.) buying their product, and 2.) being fat, sick and dependent upon medication. That sound about right?

If so. Agreed.

That merely scratches the surface but yes. Entire generations of Americans have believed in our govt agencies in place to "protect" us and have been outright lied to about what is best for their health. All for $.

Anyone who believes that the medical and scientific fields have not been infiltrated is either not paying attention or unwilling to believe in an obvious truth. Money rules all. It's sad..... even more than our OL situation :D

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