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Connection between the O and the D

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Im sure that all of us agree that last years D was much better than the stats indicated. 


I was making some last min preparations for tonights tailgate and I started thinking about what I would be looking for in tonights game. The 1st thing that came to mind was that Id like to see good pressure from the D-Line as well as run stopping when not in run blitz. Since that was a issue last year its something Id love to see.


As I started thinking about the D overall and the progression of Milliner and the question mark we have at safety, I thought about the turnover issue last season and the ridiculous amount of pressure it put on the D. 


Im sure at this point the team is 90% sure the starter in week 1 is Mark. So my question is how important is it for the D to see him play well? And how would a poor performance effects the D's psyche? My opinion is this D will only be a great D if the O doesn't put them in bad shape. If I can see this then I am sure the players do. On top of the pressure from himself, Idzix, Rex, fans and media, I think the biggest pressure on Mark would be to waste a very talented D.

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IMHO, the relationship between the offense and defense cuts both ways. When you have an offense that doesn't put points on the board, the resulting effect on the defense is that the other team doesn't have to do as much against them. I think that's a big part of the Jets' ranking against the pass, for instance. Teams can score on the Jets by intercepting Sanchez, and then be much more conservative on offense.

I don't think we'll get a true idea of just how good Rex's defense is until the offense is capable of scoring themselves.

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Last year happened ages ago.  This is a new team, with a new offensive identity and new parts to address old issues.


If I'm a member of this defense, I'm not watching Mark Sanchez (throwing TDs OR, pick-sixes)...I'm huddled up with my head coach learning ways that I can contribute to the team.  I'm asking questions, I'm engaging with teammates to uncover schematic pointers, I'm hydrating and staying loose.  If I'm a member of this defense, I realize that Mark Sanchez has a shelf-life determined by Mark Sanchez...and if I play my cards right, my performance can get me paid. 

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