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Rex on Sanchez


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I actually agree.   But as you stated, It's not realistic, except under the conditions you also stated " but it's what you look for if you're betting on yourself."     


Sancez wants to be the "rock star" in NYC


Sanchez is going to be offered opportunities to win a starting job.  He's not as hated nationally as he is ,for some strange reason, by Jets fans.  He's also the best FA QB out there.


We'll see what happens 

"not as hated nationally as he is for some STRANGE reason, by Jets fans"? We have STRANGE reasons why we hate this bum. Sucking as bad as just about any TOP 5 drafted QB in NFL history is a "strange reason"?

Having the MOST single digit TQBR ratings since they began keeping that stat is a "strange reason"?

Being the all-time leader in points aided to the opposition , and points subtracted from your own team, since that stat has been kept is a "strange reason"?


Strange reasons would be say, that he does his hair like 15 year old girls, is tattooed on his coaches arm in the form of his wife, or running into 350 lb cement bags disguised as someone's butt. Oh wait, he does all this also. WOW.

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I actually agree.   But as you stated, It's not realistic, except under the conditions you also stated " but it's what you look for if you're betting on yourself."     


Sancez wants to be the "rock star" in NYC


Sanchez is going to be offered opportunities to win a starting job.  He's not as hated nationally as he is ,for some strange reason, by Jets fans.  He's also the best FA QB out there.


We'll see what happens 


If I was a FA QB I would try to get to cleveland.   They have Gordon / Cameron and 2 1st rd picks.   If they could pair Gordon with Watkins at #4 they could have the best WR tandem in the NFL. 

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If I was a FA QB I would try to get to cleveland.   They have Gordon / Cameron and 2 1st rd picks.   If they could pair Gordon with Watkins at #4 they could have the best WR tandem in the NFL. 

Interesting thought with Pettine their now, that Sanchez may see that as a possible destination, espexially if they Don't draft a QB, which I highly doubt. I'm sure Sanchez still lives in La-la land and see's himself as a starter, so his destinations may be limited if he still thinks he's a starter.

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