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Jets Screw Up Big Time- - Again


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First of all let's keep this to the Herm situation. Smizzy if you were told mid season that at the end of 2005 Hrem would be gone and we'd have an extra 4th from it, you wouldn't have been happy.

The truth is whether you guys think we had all this leverage because he was under contract, you're wrong.

If I own a 1990 Ford Taurus and I want to sell it, just because I own it doesn't mean I can name ANY price and receive it. The other party has to agree. Say you have the ad in the paper for 2 months and you get ONE call for $400, you can do 2 things: Sell it to the guy or bring it to the junkyard. Which is better in your mind, getting $400 or getting nothing?

You can't name any price,of corse not. But you go can look at what the other 1990 fords in your area have gone for and adjust your price tag to fit your specific truck. Oh & you don't just go throw a for sale sign on that truck,UNLESS YOU HAVE ANOTHER CAR TO DRIVE. WE didn't.

& just because you are considering getting a new truck doesn't mean you have to sell yourself short and take 1st offer you get on the old one.

That is just bad business.

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The thing that you're ignoring is that someone WANTED the product in my example as well. Maybe when you're old enough to take an economics class you'll understand.

preception is very imporatnt for fans and people around the league. if you sell a car for $400 bucks as opposed to giving it away for nothing the person buying your car isn't competing with you in anything and there are't other people who are selling and buying cars who will look at your enbarrisment.
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You can't name any price,of corse not. But you go can look at what the other 1990 fords in your area have gone for and adjust your price tag to fit your specific truck. Oh & you don't just go throw a for sale sign on that truck,UNLESS YOU HAVE ANOTHER CAR TO DRIVE. WE didn't.

& just because you are considering getting a new truck doesn't mean you have to sell yourself short and take 1st offer you get on the old one.

That is just bad business.

Look my point is this. The market dictates the value. Whether you think we should of gotten a first day pick isn't important because you're not the buyer. Other teams are the market. They said that Herm is only worth a 4th. How do we know this? Another team could have VERY easily called Terry up and made a better offer. Why didn't they? They didn't because he wasn't worth it. Now if the Jets DID get such a call and still made the deal with the Chiefs, then you guys have a case. But no one has heard of such queries being made.

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Look my point is this. The market dictates the value. Whether you think we should of gotten a first day pick isn't important because you're not the buyer. Other teams are the market. They said that Herm is only worth a 4th. How do we know this? Another team could have VERY easily called Terry up and made a better offer. Why didn't they? They didn't because he wasn't worth it. Now if the Jets DID get such a call and still made the deal with the Chiefs, then you guys have a case. But no one has heard of such queries being made.

the way the jets handled the situation distroyed herm's value. there is not much of a uniform value as to how much a coach is worth. but i do know that bradway could've gotten more if he wasn't as inept as he was in this (and every) situation.
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the way the jets handled the situation distroyed herm's value. there is not much of a uniform value as to how much a coach is worth. but i do know that bradway could've gotten more if he wasn't as inept as he was in this (and every) situation.

How did the Jets destroy his value? How do you know Bradway could've gotten more? The only way you'll convince me is with facts I don't want to know about hearsay from Johnny down the block.

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How did the Jets destroy his value? How do you know Bradway could've gotten more? The only way you'll convince me is with facts I don't want to know about hearsay from Johnny down the block.

by allowing it to get out that woody wanted herm out of here they totally distroyed their leverage and allowed peterson to strongarm them and bradway sat back and let it happen.
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]by allowing it to get out that woody wanted herm out of here they totally distroyed their leverage and allowed peterson to strongarm them and bradway sat back and let it happen.

Terry to Woody: Hey shut your F***ing mouth. You're going to screw this up for us you moron.

HAHA yea right that conversation is happening. Terry's not stupid he's not going to risk losing his job. The Jets didn't get strongarmded. The Chiefs just smartened up and realized they were bidding versus no one else and for a HC with little value. Should Bradway have sent a hypnotherpist to KC to convince Peterson to give the Jets the farm?

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Terry to Woody: Hey shut your F***ing mouth. You're going to screw this up for us you moron.

HAHA yea right that conversation is happening. Terry's not stupid he's not going to risk losing his job. The Jets didn't get strongarmded. The Chiefs just smartened up and realized they were bidding versus no one else and for a HC with little value. Should Bradway have sent a hypnotherpist to KC to convince Peterson to give the Jets the farm?

i have no idea how you can say they didn't get strongarmed. anyone whos paying attention knows they got taken to the cleaners.
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