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Patriots Asterisk Project.


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Im not donating money, but I surely signed the Petition immedietly. 





For some NFL fans, the Patriots will always be known as the team that only won because they cheated

First, there was Spygate, then Deflategate -- and former Rams running back Marshall Faulk is still convinced that New England filmed a St. Louis walkthrough practice before the Patriots upset the Rams in Super Bowl XXXVI. 

NFL fan Jim Purucker has decided that he wants to make sure that no one ever forgets that the Patriots are cheaters, so he has decided he wants to petition the NFL to put an asterisk next to each of their four titles in the NFL record book. 

"What we'd like to do is have a nationwide, grassroots petition effort that petitions the NFL to put an asterisk in the record book," Purucker told WISH-TV in Indianapolis. "I don't think this thing ought to go away and 10 years from now when people look at the record book and see this fantastic set of accomplishments that the Patriots have amassed, I think there ought to be an asterisk next to it."

Purucker has set up a website as part of his "Asterisk Project." The plan is to get 10 million people to sign a petition calling for the asterisks. Purucker thinks if he can get that many people to sign that the NFL might consider it.

Not surprisingly, Purucker's website is called FootballCheaters.com.

Here's a description of the project from the website:

How many times did your mother tell you growing up, "cheaters never prosper?" Apparently and thankfully none of our mothers ever knew Bill Belichick, Tom Brady or Bob Kraft. 

We need your help so the NFL hears from their fans that we don't want the Patriots cheating ways to fade away like Tom Brady's punishment for deflategate did. This campaign aims to go to NFL cities throughout the country the rest of the season to raise awareness and collect signatures. The campaign needs your help three ways. 1. Contribute a few bucks 2. Sign the petition 3. Share campaign with your friends and family.

The Asterisk Project is a national grassroots campaign with a goal having ten million people sign a petition urging the NFL and Commissioner Goodell to place an asterisk in the record book next to all the Patriot victories, accomplishments and records achieved during the Brady/Bellichick/Kraft era noting they happened in an era when the team was known to have cheated on multiple occasions in different ways.

At least a few people are taking Purucker's campaign seriously because the project has already raised almost $2,000 on the Football Cheaters GoFundMe page. Notice the deflated football. 


Even if Purucker somehow gets 10 million signatures, there's about a zero percent chance that Roger Goodell would put an asterisk next to any of the Patriots' Super Bowl wins. 





One NFL fan wants Tom Brady and Bill Belichick to have some asterisks next to their titles. (USATSI)
One NFL fan wants Tom Brady and Bill Belichick to have some as


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