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My thoughts after game.


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Ok i have slightly come down from my bit of rage after this game. However, this will be one game hard to swallow. Here are just some of my thoughts, let me know what u guys think or agree on..

1- we are not a playoff caliber team. I was fooled in beginning of the season to think Fitz could be a stop gap and work with our playmakers to get us far this season. problem is our playmakers do not play on a consistent basis. One week marshall is a glorified hero winning games for us, the next he's dropping balls like hot potato. We are 5-4 with a fairly easy schedule and i do believe we can make the playoffs, however i strongly believe we do not belong their.

2-bowles is starting to scare me. I by no means posting "fire him" posts, however they play calling the past weeks and poor time management have gotten a little ridiculous. How they stop running ivory when he just starys heating up is beyond me. I get it thats on chans call but bowles has to have a say. With 2yards to run for a first u continue to pound the rock in there with ivory.

3-SOJ- can we ever win a meaningful game?

4-is milliner alive? Was he playing? Another 1st rd pick that had thus far been useless.

5-Can we agree to just take touchbacks from this point on?



I read an article a few weeks ago that said the jets were among the healthiest teams this season. That changed quick.

Im so beyond aggravated with this game. Especially when they get ur hopes up to let u down again. Its like such a cock tease. Muffed punt in the redzone and u screw it up with awful playcalling when ivory was steam rolling. This will be one hard one to swallow. Even by some chance we make wildcard , like i said i dont believe we belong there.

I haven't been a fan of jets as many of u, im only 27 and haven't missed a game since 09', but man, i dont know how some of u older guys do it without losing ur minds lol. I was ready to break my tv before.

Anyway thats my venting. Until houston. Have a good weekend guys. Hopefully we can all get over this and move on like we always have.!

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