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This Week's JetNation Radio


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With Joe and Vinny, I assume they are members who regularly post here. I am enjoying this week's show, and I haven't been this excited or into a Jets season since the Bart Scott "Can't Wait" night. But I just have to say, why is it that whenever anyone talks about the Jets beating the Patriots that there always has to be that caveat made that says "granted, we all know that the Patriots have been playing without Edelman and whoever else happens to be out on the week that we beat them". It's like they are the only NFL team that has to play shorthanded. I never remember any Pats fans saying, "well we beat the Jets even though they were down to having to use the punter at QB" No, all we hear is the stats that show their dominance in the Brady era. Also, notice the new catchphrase that has emerged about any penalties that get called on New England; "Tickytack". Again, it's like they are the only team that gets flags thrown at them, the way the pats fans and their supporters in the media make it sound like ANY flag thrown on a Brady play is a bad call. Every team plays hurt, not every team can go through 65 minutes of football and have only 1 penalty thrown at them in a game that big.

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Hey appreciate you listening to the show! We/I just mention it because it's a part of the game and that's what we are there to break down. Just as if the Jets were missing Mangold/Pryor/Enunwa or whoever it may be we feel the need to at least point it out! A win is a win at this point and that's all that matters.

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