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My thoughts

Mo Lew

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Obviously such a painful loss on so many levels.  I hate losing period, I hate losing to Rex, I even kinda hate having to hate Rex being that he's probably the most successful playoff coach we've ever had. 

As I sit here wallowing like everyone else I keep thinking that we were all fooling ourselves.  I mean we barely beat the sh@tty ass Gmen, barely beat the cowboys who had a qb who never played before, we barely beat a pats team thats not really their team, how would we do if w lost that many online man plus Ivory (Blount) and Powell (Lewis) and Decker (Edelman)?  It would be scary.  We did play really well against the titans...  

I think as a fan (for me anyways) its easy to get excited in the immediate when you start winning games but whats really important is long term consistency.  I have seen nothing so far from Mac ad Bowles that leads me to think that we aren't on our way there which is the silver lining in the big pile of sh*t we just all got to watch. 


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