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Congrats Tigers and Met fans

Green Jets & Ham

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First the Tigers fans, GOB and Maverick {etc.}, congratulations fellas ... its been a long time coming and your team stepped up when it matters and kicked Yankee @$$ from pillar to post

Leyland is a class act, so I wish you guys luck the rest of the way

Met fans, what can I say, you lost two of your best pitchers and still won in a sweep ... what an awesome performance after losing Pedro and Duque ... this Met team has heart, way more heart than the 2006 Yankees ... unfortunately my team had a heart the size of a mustard seed, but these Mets are all heart

Good luck to you guys the rest of the way as well

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First the Tigers fans, GOB and Maverick {etc.}, congratulations fellas ... its been a long time coming and your team stepped up when it matters and kicked Yankee @$$ from pillar to post

Leyland is a class act, so I wish you guys luck the rest of the way

Met fans, what can I say, you lost two of your best pitchers and still won in a sweep ... what an awesome performance after losing Pedro and Duque ... this Met team has heart, way more heart than the 2006 Yankees ... unforfunately my team had a heart the size of a mustard seed, but these Mets are all heart

Good luck to you guys the rest of the way as well

Thanks GOB....these mets believe in ABC (ALWASY BE CLOSING!!)

Now on to St loo or San Diego


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