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MS Smashes Piggy Bank To Secure GTA IV Episodic Content

El Gringo Loco

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The decision to keep GTA IV episodic content off the PS3 is a mean one. It may also have a big impact on both sales of the game and of the 360 and PS3 consoles themselves, so what could possibly lure Take-Two into going steady with Microsoft? Oh, about $50,000,000.

This was revealed in Take-Two's second quarter fiscal 2007 results conference call. When asked for details on the move by analyst Evan Wilson, of Pacific Crest Securities, Take Two's CFO Lainie Goldstein disclosed both the sums involved and prospective release dates:

The first 25 is for the first
episodic content
package that's supposed to go out and that is in March of '08. That's why it moved into current because it's in the next 12 months. The second 25 will be for the second episodic, the episode, and that will be later in fiscal '08.

So Microsoft ponied up $25 million a pop for exclusive rights to two GTA IV episodic downloads. Hooley dooley. Bets are now being taken on just how much these things are going to cost. Luke Plunkett Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Conference Call [Take-Two]


I found this earlier :Typotux: sounds like alot of moola.

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MS is stupid about this...

Basically they are going to offer an some add-on missions for MONEY... which not many will buy... hell most people never complete the missions that come with GTA...

Also Sony has said that Rockstar will make use of the extra disk space... and hinted some extra things will be on the PS3 version but kept quiet about it...

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To MS that is nothing... and will help them a lot. This is a big blow for Sony(if it means they won't get extra content), but MS should've just spent the extra money (or at least tried to) to buy the rights for the game in whole. Take-Two is crumbling and GTA is all that they have left that's successful, so I doubt they'd refuse such a large sum of money. I'll probably take a back seat on this one and see which game turns out better.

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MS is stupid about this...

Basically they are going to offer an some add-on missions for MONEY... which not many will buy... hell most people never complete the missions that come with GTA...

Also Sony has said that Rockstar will make use of the extra disk space... and hinted some extra things will be on the PS3 version but kept quiet about it...

I'm def one of those people, my brother and a friend like to do the 100% complete thing, I just like to run amok in the city and find huge jumps to launch off of.

To MS that is nothing... and will help them a lot. This is a big blow for Sony(if it means they won't get extra content), but MS should've just spent the extra money (or at least tried to) to buy the rights for the game in whole. Take-Two is crumbling and GTA is all that they have left that's successful, so I doubt they'd refuse such a large sum of money. I'll probably take a back seat on this one and see which game turns out better.

I agree about buying the game in whole, they ponied up the money for Rare. The extra content could help, we'll see.

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