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NBA's joke of a franchise is worth the most


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You could not blame basketball fans for thinking the National Basketball Association is in big trouble. Just look at the news that has dominated the headlines the past several months. Ratings for the NBA Finals between San Antonio and Cleveland hit an all-time low. One of the league

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This goes to show two things:

1) All Dolan cares about is bottom line. He could care less about the fans. He could care less about winning a championship which is why Isiah is here to stay. The only difference between Dolan and Woody Johnson is that the NFL has a hard cap and the contracts are for the most part not guaranteed so if the Jets make a bust signing, like Thomas Jones, the Jets can recover. Oh wait they can't in his case. Bad example.

2) The NBA is actually doing pretty well. 6% is actually a fairly significant increase in gate ticket sales.

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