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Would you consider #6 for Larry Fitzgerald?


Would you deal #6 for Fitzgerald if you could restructure him?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Would you deal #6 for Fitzgerald if you could restructure him?

    • Yes
    • No

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I actually voted no before I got an answer to my question on how much the 6th pick would cost. I'd change my vote if I could to the Yes column.


This is like AA.

"Hi, my name is Flgreen, and I voted NO. I have seen the light" Yes.....

Ylou guys have convinced me.

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Would make this trade in a hearbeat if we were able to restructure him and sign him to a long term extension. Larry Fitzgerald in New York with Jerricho Cotchery, Thomas Jones and Leon Washington? Thats an offense I'd be dieing to see.

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Would make this trade in a hearbeat if we were able to restructure him and sign him to a long term extension. Larry Fitzgerald in New York with Jerricho Cotchery, Thomas Jones and Leon Washington? Thats an offense I'd be dieing to see.

Agreed ... but I just don't see Arizona doing it. How many seasons have they said that "this year we're going to focus on the running game " ... and then sling it like crazy. They need Fitz. Would be fun to see how bad Leinart is without him though - he was pretty bad with him!

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It's not just a pipe dream. He counts 14M against the cap in AZ this yr, and he doesn't seem to want to restructure. Philly inquired for a 2nd rounder and AZ said no. I say give them #6 and our 4th... or even #6 and our 3rd round in 2009...

Ya know, you might just be right.

i made a post over a month ago, after looking at who was available at #6, and predicted that I thought it was very possible the Jets might trade #6 for a young vet.

This is a good spot for it. Especially if they kicked Coles in. Az has some cap problems.

Coles is going to be a vocal problem if he stays.. The Jets shouldn't give him a new contract.

i agree. This could happen.

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