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I want it back now, I'll kill if need be. Whichever one of you scumbags who stole it doesn't return it IMMEDIATELY, I'll be forced to commit unspeakable acts.

Before you say it; NO, **** IPODS!

But on a more serious note, I seriously want my Zune back. So if you can help me find it please do so.

This is just the icing on the cake of a month that has continued to sh*t all over me. I just got laid off, but before I was told about that I bought a new car dropping a decent amount of my savings.

All while trying to study like a mad man for a test that I'm under prepared and short on time for. Oh then like a week ago, some stupid chick hit my car, nothing serious but just enough to leave a nice little imprint of her license plate frame on my rear bumper.

Not to mention all the trouble that having no income brings.

Although, I'm not complaining. It could be worse. I could be Alk.


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I want it back now, I'll kill if need be. Whichever one of you scumbags who stole it doesn't return it IMMEDIATELY, I'll be forced to commit unspeakable acts.

Before you say it; NO, **** IPODS!

But on a more serious note, I seriously want my Zune back. So if you can help me find it please do so.

This is just the icing on the cake of a month that has continued to sh*t all over me. I just got laid off, but before I was told about that I bought a new car dropping a decent amount of my savings.

All while trying to study like a mad man for a test that I'm under prepared and short on time for. Oh then like a week ago, some stupid chick hit my car, nothing serious but just enough to leave a nice little imprint of her license plate frame on my rear bumper.

Not to mention all the trouble that having no income brings.

Although, I'm not complaining. It could be worse. I could be Alk.


Sorry to hear about the lay off. It's becoming more and more common or at least the chance of it. Things ARE slowing down for sure. Hope the lay off is brief. Good luck Jetlag.

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