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JI/JN Border War Mafia Game Thread


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I'm dead tonight, latest. If you'd like to kill one of the people I think is most suspicious, and let me die tonight, great. If you don't, then kill me now.

As I said, the tide was turning against me, it's not about the number of votes, but the fact that I'd guess there were at least 3 more people out there that would have no problem killing me.

All of my defense is based on you all believing me, you've decided that every move I made was scummy, and so inanely stupid that you wont trust me. So, explain to me why I should bother? I have no gotcha posts, just the same **** I've been saying for 2 days. It didn't take, so why repeat it.

I was totally not sure of your alignment before the outburst because of the possibility you where set up. The wifom was very strong. So I moved on to Sonny because he seemed to be the most obvious. I actually had you and Joe as the two guys we would have to wait on. Now Im even more unsure and I'm not voting until every thing settles down.

Just put away your EY account and take a few minutes and come back as Henry. Go ahead and do the nice job you do on making cases on the people you expect. You can even start with me, because I love you like that.

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EY is either being an asswipe or he has an ulterior motive. It might be both, but that remains to be seen.

In my eyes, he may indeed be cult but not a leader. We'll see what happens in his death scene. If there are multiple cult deaths, he was telling the truth, as I believe when the leader goes, so goes the entire team. (just a hypothesis) But we'd know for sure he was a leader. If there is only one death, it's possible he was leader and the last cult member is gimped, or it's possible he was converted and is now trying to frame himself as being a leader to give the real leader a legit chance.

I am having doubts he's a cult leader for multiple reasons. 1) Cult leader tries hard to be incognito because once he gets pinched, the cult is f-u-c-k-e-d. 2) This half-assed effort screws over his partner royally. I don't see anyone geting super pissed at EY so far, do you? 3) What's all this about getting lynched now? He's pressing it very hard, when it shouldn't really matter to him.

Just in case, what if he's a fool? I think Doggin would alert us to the possible presence of one, but this pushing to get lynched and aversion to night kills are two hallmark signs of that role.

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You do realize if you anyone to vote for your 3 most suspicious, you need to state your case?

I'm EY, and you should listen to me because I'm the greatest mafia player, and not only that, human being who's ever graced the face of the earth.

Now, vote for who I tell you to.

There's my case.

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I'm EY, and you should listen to me because I'm the greatest mafia player, and not only that, human being who's ever graced the face of the earth.

Now, vote for who I tell you to.

There's my case.

Ha! Step away from the game and come back as Henry and let's go on. Just because you're EY isn't enough justification to vote for you.

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I'm EY, and you should listen to me because I'm the greatest mafia player, and not only that, human being who's ever graced the face of the earth.

Now, vote for who I tell you to.

There's my case.

You must think you know who I am, and thus, think you're going to set me off.

Neither will happen anytime soon, friend ;)

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Ha! Step away from the game and come back as Henry and let's go on. Just because you're EY isn't enough justification to vote for you.

It's not bad, though. ;)

I have to get away from the computer for a little while. I'll be back tonight.

I'm game for one of your top choices if you're going to play HenrEY, but if you're going to continue to whine and mope I'm happy with my vote where it is.

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I'm EY, and you should listen to me because I'm the greatest mafia player, and not only that, human being who's ever graced the face of the earth.

Now, vote for who I tell you to.

There's my case.

Well now we know you're lying.

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Okay, Henry. This EY prick had his top 3 suspects being Virgil, Tony Montana, and DeVito, so we can assume they're your top 3 as well.

I gather your case on Montana is the quick connection to Nicky's death which you saw as a setup. What is your case on Virgil and DeVito?

Sorry guys... I was out to lunch. Anything happen while I was away?

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I'm EY, and you should listen to me because I'm the greatest mafia player, and not only that, human being who's ever graced the face of the earth.

Now, vote for who I tell you to.

There's my case.

If you are innocent, you have absolutely no interest in being on the winning team. Can you possibly have your panties in such a bunch over a couple of people not believing you in a game in which everyone lies?

As I've said, this is a possible 3 townie swing vote. You've really ****ed us. If we lynch you now and you're innocent, there's a pretty good chance another townie gets NK'd and then another gets converted. Then it's pretty much game over.

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Glad to see Henry is back. Perhaps he'll be more willing to lend a hand as to who his most suspicious are, and why.

I'm off to the job interview, I'll be back this evening.

Good luck, Tommy.

It sucks being an unemployed mobster. Without a legit job providing cover the IRS gets suspicious.

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Jimmy your constant badgering is starting to wear on my nerves. Do you think you could calm down enough to allow Henry to answering the friggin question?

I let him answer his questions. Its not my fault he had a meltdown.

You guys were going to kill me either way, long before that, I really have no more defense to offer up so rather than talking in circles, I gave you my list of people, do with it what you want.

I don't think there's a rule on Modkills.

Either way, you've caught the Cult Leader, so kill him.

There were numerous players, myself included, that just wanted conversation around you posts and said that they didnt want to vote you because of how thick and obvious of a wifom surrounded HenrEY.

This isn't a meltdown, as I'm not asking for an outcome any different than what's coming. I'm just trying to expidite the process.

Yes, I am the cult leader. I purposefully stuck my neck out day 1 and night 1 with the hope of being able to use the why would I stick my neck out day 1 and night 1 when I could have just hid defense.

This is a meltdown.


That's all I need to say.

So, now you are not the cult leader?

WTF are you trying to do?

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Wed. at 1:30pm

Roughly 24hrs to make decision.

I still like my case against Frank, which has been completely ignored by EVERYONE except Joe Cabot, which is strangely concerning...but I will do what the town thinks we should do and change my vote to avoid the random lynching...unless ofcourse the town thinks thats what is best.

I am never in favor of random lynching. There is enough going on now to make a reasonable case to cast a vote...but once again I will do what my fellow townies think we should do.

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So I guess everyone had a good morning around here huh? I've got some thoughts and not all of them are about Henry He-Man.

First of all: Where the **** is Tony Montana? His last post was (real life) days ago and it was saying he'd be back in 20 minutes. What's the deal there? Its almost enough to get me to move my vote, except...

I would like to apologize to everyone for being away for so much. Sometimes real life can be a real pain in the ass.

I would also like to thank everyone for waiting for being patient and waiting for my input.

That said, I understand all of the arguments against those that have been targeted. There is someone else that, to me, is hinky, and that is Lefty. It's not something that I can put my finger on, but there's something in his language and his overall posting style that has my spidey-sense buzzing.

Sonny once again declines defending himself and attempts to cast suspicion on another player only this time instead of a throwaway comment/arguement its his "spidey-sense". Your gone all that time, get all of these votes on you and when you finally come back your suggesting we look into your spider-sense???

Finally, is it possible that "EY" is actually yet another alternate screen name and its really Vic? Seriously EY/Henry I don't get it. I didn't really see things going in a direction that was gonna lead to your lynching. I just don't understand why the meltdown occurred.

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Ok, after all this EY crap (seriously, if you're gonna be such a tool and a quitter, why do you play these games?) I'd just like to say that I don't think he's the cult leader. He was so insistent that he get killed that if he actually was the cult leader I think he'd have been plenty forthcoming with his role in order to prove that he is cult leader, so that we'll lynch him.

And EY... I don't think you were at any risk of being lynched, or nightkilled, you seem to have an over-active imagination. Also, I had no idea who you were before you revealed.

Oh, and, by the end of the game probably half of the alts will be known to just about everyone, its how these Alt games work, revealing the face behind the alt isn't the end of the world.

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Carlito, you say that you don't think that HenrEY is the cult leader. I have my suspiciouns about that as well. Perhaps he was someone that was converted. Perhaps HenrEY is trying to save the real Cult Leader.

DeVito mentioned there's something fishy going on, perhaps it's that. Perhaps HenrEY was trying to get the Cult Leader off the hook because he got converted. Of course, if that's the case, that may make me think that Sonny was the Cult Leader. HenrEY wanted to deflect away from him as his teammate because Sonny could convert others.

I know this is a tenuous connection, but it's still hard to believe that the Cult Leader would act as HenrEY did with the heat on, especially when Sonny was the closest to lynch.

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So that would make no sense then. EY would've checked that out..

Yep. But it would have bought the Cult Leader some time though because no one would have known who it was, unless he is Sonny and we made the connection.

Do you still want to put HenrEY aside and focus on others?

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Carlito, you say that you don't think that HenrEY is the cult leader. I have my suspiciouns about that as well. Perhaps he was someone that was converted. Perhaps HenrEY is trying to save the real Cult Leader.

DeVito mentioned there's something fishy going on, perhaps it's that. Perhaps HenrEY was trying to get the Cult Leader off the hook because he got converted. Of course, if that's the case, that may make me think that Sonny was the Cult Leader. HenrEY wanted to deflect away from him as his teammate because Sonny could convert others.

I know this is a tenuous connection, but it's still hard to believe that the Cult Leader would act as HenrEY did with the heat on, especially when Sonny was the closest to lynch.

Now that's an interesting theory Lefty.

Ok, after all this EY crap (seriously, if you're gonna be such a tool and a quitter, why do you play these games?) I'd just like to say that I don't think he's the cult leader. He was so insistent that he get killed that if he actually was the cult leader I think he'd have been plenty forthcoming with his role in order to prove that he is cult leader, so that we'll lynch him.

And EY... I don't think you were at any risk of being lynched, or nightkilled, you seem to have an over-active imagination. Also, I had no idea who you were before you revealed.

Oh, and, by the end of the game probably half of the alts will be known to just about everyone, its how these Alt games work, revealing the face behind the alt isn't the end of the world.

I agree guys. We all know EY and as big of an egotistical pompous ******* that EY happens to be, he wouldnt do this to the game. He has been a Mod before and I dont think he would disrespect Doggin like that by totally ruining his set up. Also, I dont think Doggin would let him play it out if he truly was the Cult leader. Ego aside, and its enormous, probably the biggest in the history of interwebz, EY wouldnt do that to the game.

Its is an interesting theory EY, especially when you notice this....

Ok, nevermind.

I'm the cultleader, I confess.

Well, you've convinced me.

Vote: Henry

The second EY "confessed", the very next post was Sonny voting for EY.

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Hmmmm...well then.

That does present a problem for the theory.

But like I said, it could have been an effort to buy the Cult Leader time.

If it played out as follows:

HenrEY gets lynched, comes up cult member. Sonny lives the night. He converts someone else and then there are 2 cultists. Sonny tries to survive the next day, but would be the likely target UNLESS someone else gets in the crosshairs, like Montana. Then Sonny can survive another day.

And, to add, if we believe that the Cult Leader would want to lay low so he could expand his cult, Sonny fits that description.

I'm not sure of all this, but the HenrEY play doesn't feet right in comparison to how HenrEY described it as him being pissed off at him outing himself and unable to convince anyone of anything now.

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This is the kind of thing that has my vote on Marcellus. He posts a little bit about the game, then says he has to leave. He gets called on it, and lo and behold he's still lurking at 2AM to cast a vote with an attitude.

But there's no traction there, so I'm open to moving my vote if need be. The case against Henry is interesting me. Sonny too, but not so much that I'm ready to drop the hammer until he's had a chance to speak.

Just got home and and read through everything.

Please read my post again. I said I would not be around TODAY. I never said that post would be the last of the day or that I was not going to be around starting then. I made that post and there was no activity in the thread until Tommy's post. I checked the thread right before I went to sleep, saw Tommy's post which was directed towards me and answered him. Don't see what the big deal is hear.

Thoughts on today:

EY I really didn't expect this out of you.

I think the smart move right now would be one of two things. take out Henry today and go after Tony Montana tomorrow. I feel despite the meltdown EY made a few points about Montana and he could have really been set up.

The other way would be to listen to EY for now and lynch Montana. We then would have to see what happens tonight with regards to EY at night and go from there tomorrow.

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That does present a problem for the theory.

But like I said, it could have been an effort to buy the Cult Leader time.

If it played out as follows:

HenrEY gets lynched, comes up cult member. Sonny lives the night. He converts someone else and then there are 2 cultists. Sonny tries to survive the next day, but would be the likely target UNLESS someone else gets in the crosshairs, like Montana. Then Sonny can survive another day.

And, to add, if we believe that the Cult Leader would want to lay low so he could expand his cult, Sonny fits that description.

I'm not sure of all this, but the HenrEY play doesn't feet right in comparison to how HenrEY described it as him being pissed off at him outing himself and unable to convince anyone of anything now.

What good would that do for Sonny though? If this is true and he dies today then Henry is left as the only cult member standing. If the two decide to sacrifice Henry today and then Sonny is able to convert again tonight he'll will likely be the first target tomorrow. He gets lynched leaving only one remaining cult member.

This idea would allow him to live another day but it would leave the same net result. One living cult member and no chance of winning the game

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