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JI/JN Border War Mafia Game Thread


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What good would that do for Sonny though? If this is true and he dies today then Henry is left as the only cult member standing. If the two decide to sacrifice Henry today and then Sonny is able to convert again tonight he'll will likely be the first target tomorrow. He gets lynched leaving only one remaining cult member.

This idea would allow him to live another day but it would leave the same net result. One living cult member and no chance of winning the game

Like I said, MW, if Sonny was able to deflect tomorrow. You even mentioned Montana now as a lynch candidate, correct? If Sonny could get the train on Montana tomorrow (if HenrEY was lynched), then that buys Sonny another day.

The idea is to survive. Sonny is close to going, so surviving another day gives him better odds.

Again, I'm looking at this from the aspect of the HenrEY Saga does not smell right. I'm trying to find an alternative explanation.

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Just got home and and read through everything.

Please read my post again. I said I would not be around TODAY. I never said that post would be the last of the day or that I was not going to be around starting then. I made that post and there was no activity in the thread until Tommy's post. I checked the thread right before I went to sleep, saw Tommy's post which was directed towards me and answered him. Don't see what the big deal is hear.

Thoughts on today:

EY I really didn't expect this out of you.

I think the smart move right now would be one of two things. take out Henry today and go after Tony Montana tomorrow. I feel despite the meltdown EY made a few points about Montana and he could have really been set up.

The other way would be to listen to EY for now and lynch Montana. We then would have to see what happens tonight with regards to EY at night and go from there tomorrow.

I'm not inclined to listen to EY, as long as he continues this anti-town behavior. I'm starting to like the theory that he's cult and is trying to throw a smokescreen for the leader. Also, his last minute vote for Nick, right before Rooney was lynched seems a little more peculiar now, no?

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Like I said, MW, if Sonny was able to deflect tomorrow. You even mentioned Montana now as a lynch candidate, correct? If Sonny could get the train on Montana tomorrow (if HenrEY was lynched), then that buys Sonny another day.

The idea is to survive. Sonny is close to going, so surviving another day gives him better odds.

Again, I'm looking at this from the aspect of the HenrEY Saga does not smell right. I'm trying to find an alternative explanation.

True. And if he makes it past tomorrow as well he can get a second conversion and then the cult actually has a chance to win. I'm not sure that i think this what happened but it certainly is a plausible theory.

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Thats never easy my man. Mom (Breast) and Dad (Prostate) both Cancer survivors, its tough. Thoughts and prayers.

Wow, more power to Jimmy's parents.

That made me think about how messed up life could be.

The wife had a good friend since HS. Real sweetheart. She (the friend), had a dying mother. The mother was dying of Lou Gehrig's disease. So the friend moves the mother into her house, she quits her job and stays with her mother everyday until the mother passes. A few months later the woman is killed by her husband in a murder-suicide. Life's crazy.

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Thats never easy my man. Mom (Breast) and Dad (Prostate) both Cancer survivors, its tough. Thoughts and prayers.

Sorry about that man, I was just being a dick to Carlito. My uncle survived a full marrow transplant for Lukemia and my Aunt breast cancer, very recently.

My immediate family has been fortunate with cancer, but not so much with other things.

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OK, now that you've all hugged it out, could you maybe, I don't know, kill someone? That would be awesome, kthxbye

I haven't hugged it out with anyone. Though, I must say I've had a lot of fun in the last 5 hours.

You guys should definitely kill me.

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OK, now that you've all hugged it out, could you maybe, I don't know, kill someone? That would be awesome, kthxbye

Mafangula revive me immediately!!! I need to straighten out these FAGS!!!

If I was still in this game I'd need an uzi for all the killing that would be going on tonight...


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Sonny once again declines defending himself and attempts to cast suspicion on another player only this time instead of a throwaway comment/arguement its his "spidey-sense". Your gone all that time, get all of these votes on you and when you finally come back your suggesting we look into your spider-sense???

Finally, is it possible that "EY" is actually yet another alternate screen name and its really Vic? Seriously EY/Henry I don't get it. I didn't really see things going in a direction that was gonna lead to your lynching. I just don't understand why the meltdown occurred.

I've stated several times that I'm innocent, there's not much more for me to say, is there? Either you believe me or you don't. I understand that you take my 'spidey-sense' with a grain of salt. There's just something not right with Lefty, and I can't put my finger on it. It's actually driving me pretty ****ing crazy right now.

This is an important vote, could be the turning point in the game. We all should be looked at closely.

I'm glad that Henry has calmed down a little bit. His behavior has been bizarre, so say the least. I'm starting to think that he isn't a townie, unless he's just a little crybaby who's going to have a fit every time someone votes for him. It just doesn't make sense for a townie to act that way, his actions could potentially get rid of 3 townies by tomorrow.

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Why you should kill me:

I am the Cult Leader...

Nothing I did involving Nicky makes any sense, so lets just skip to the point where I went for the Doctor. I wanted to out him so that I could convert him, and then claim Doctor. This was a better strategy than laying low when there wasn't much pressure on me because I figured no one would make any connections at all and the Doctor would immediately come forward, then we could lynch Tony/Virgil/DeVito who I still believe is scum, and I'd look like a hero.

I am scum...

I WIFOM the crap out of you with the whole Nicky thing, because it was fun. I didn't want to just hammer Rooney because on day one, that was simply too easy. I'm now working with my scum friends to make them look innocent with my death. I thought this was a better strategy than just hammering Rooney and jumping on the Sonny train, which no one would bat an eye at. This way was much better, you'll see when we win.

I am cult member..

I am taking the bullet for Sonny. But I decided I would do it by bugging out, rather than by trying to strengthen my case on anyone else. I also decided to defend an argument about 6 bad guys for this very reason. This means I was serious about Nicky cause I was innocent then, and still telling the truth about being set up. I also am mentioning Sonny so much because he's the real cult leader and this is my best method of protecting him, by repeating the name Sonny.

I am town...

and laughing my ass off.

Any of these working for you?

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I'm glad that Henry has calmed down a little bit. His behavior has been bizarre, so say the least. I'm starting to think that he isn't a townie, unless he's just a little crybaby who's going to have a fit every time someone votes for him. It just doesn't make sense for a townie to act that way, his actions could potentially get rid of 3 townies by tomorrow.

I'm the doctor.

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Ok, here's my peace. Tony is suspicious, but he'll have to wait until at least tomorrow in my opinion....too much else going on right now. I dont feel good about Sonny, as has been mentioned, because he seemingly used the whole ordeal with Henry/EY to his advantage. Got it and out without having to say much. Needless to say, very suspicious. I was about ready to switch to him when it dawned on me...despite what EY would have us to believe, there is NO WAY he'd screw the game over just to get himself killed. He enjoys this game enough to mod it, and is one of the biggest players here. I just don't buy it.

What is it thats fishy exactly, I do not know. But look guys, he's already accomplished what it was he set out to do. People have already jumped off his bandwagon. If theres one thing we've learned in the JN Mafia games it's that EY is SPECTACULAR at manipulating the town to do what he wants. I do NOT think he is the Cult Leader. I do think he is a member of the mafia or perhaps converted cult.

I am completely and totally certain of this. If he is not, he has no one to blame but himself. He went crazy with only 4 votes, and in 2nd place (and Sonny gaining a lot of steam, REGARDLESS of what EY will have anyone think). I don't think it's out of the question as others have suggested that he's doing this to get heat off the cult leader, but I don't know.

The smart vote is to off EY. He's too good a player to have overreacted as a mere roleless townie

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I'm the doctor.

Note that this is just about as serious as it was when he bolded IM THE CULT LEADER several pages back. He's just saying things so that people will think if he wants us to off him this bad, he HAS to be pro-town, because no anti-town player would be this obvious.

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If theres one thing we've learned in the JN Mafia games it's that EY is SPECTACULAR at manipulating the town to do what he wants.

Finally, a compliment. You win a prize after the game. It's gonna be good too.

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The smart vote is to off EY. He's too good a player to have overreacted as a mere roleless townie

he HAS to be pro-town, because no anti-town player would be this obvious.

Wow. Well, I don't know about anyone else, but damn, I'm confused.

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Good luck, Tommy.

It sucks being an unemployed mobster. Without a legit job providing cover the IRS gets suspicious.

Thanks. Another "we'll get back with you." Or in other words no thanks. Everywhere wants unpaid internships, as if that will help economically. The job market sucks

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Ok, here's my peace. Tony is suspicious, but he'll have to wait until at least tomorrow in my opinion....too much else going on right now. I dont feel good about Sonny, as has been mentioned, because he seemingly used the whole ordeal with Henry/EY to his advantage. Got it and out without having to say much. Needless to say, very suspicious. I was about ready to switch to him when it dawned on me...despite what EY would have us to believe, there is NO WAY he'd screw the game over just to get himself killed. He enjoys this game enough to mod it, and is one of the biggest players here. I just don't buy it.

What is it thats fishy exactly, I do not know. But look guys, he's already accomplished what it was he set out to do. People have already jumped off his bandwagon. If theres one thing we've learned in the JN Mafia games it's that EY is SPECTACULAR at manipulating the town to do what he wants. I do NOT think he is the Cult Leader. I do think he is a member of the mafia or perhaps converted cult.

I am completely and totally certain of this. If he is not, he has no one to blame but himself. He went crazy with only 4 votes, and in 2nd place (and Sonny gaining a lot of steam, REGARDLESS of what EY will have anyone think). I don't think it's out of the question as others have suggested that he's doing this to get heat off the cult leader, but I don't know.

The smart vote is to off EY. He's too good a player to have overreacted as a mere roleless townie

Yup my vote stays, he's acting like this for a reason, and it almost can't be a pro-town reason.

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