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JI/JN Border War Mafia Game Thread


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I should have picked up on that hint a bit earlier. And I buy it. None of the days events make sense though...unless he is an insane cop? I don't know....I'm rather confused.

I think he's trying to allude to us what his given player description is...and i think he's trying to get modkilled. He could also be lying about that, but whatever.

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I think he's trying to allude to us what his given player description is...and i think he's trying to get modkilled. He could also be lying about that, but whatever.

Perhaps. I still think something fishy HAS to be going on. It's something we can get to tomorrow though, as far as I'm concerned -- claiming to be GOB in the way he's done it is perfectly legal (as long as we're going off games past -- but my guess would be that Doggin would already speak up at this point).

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Perhaps. I still think something fishy HAS to be going on. It's something we can get to tomorrow though, as far as I'm concerned -- claiming to be GOB in the way he's done it is perfectly legal (as long as we're going off games past -- but my guess would be that Doggin would already speak up at this point).

What's the point of not revealing who our given player name is if we can hint at it so obviously? Cough. I'm an owner of a Jets site. Cough. Maybe the one you are on. (note: i'm not claiming anything, just providing an example)

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Virgil Sollozzo (1) - Henry Hill

Sonny LoSpecchio (6) - Lefty Ruggerio, Ace Rothstein, Joe Cabot, Carlito Brigante, Tommy DeVito, Jimmy Conway

Henry Hill (6) - Marcellus Wallace, Virgil Sollozo, Tony Soprano, Vito Corleone, Frank Costello, Al Capone

With 16 players alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch

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Virgil Sollozzo (1) - Henry Hill

Sonny LoSpecchio (6) - Lefty Ruggerio, Ace Rothstein, Joe Cabot, Carlito Brigante, Tommy DeVito, Jimmy Conway

Henry Hill (6) - Marcellus Wallace, Virgil Sollozo, Tony Soprano, Vito Corleone, Frank Costello, Al Capone

With 16 players alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch

I'll go on record as being fine with lynching either today.

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Vote Count

Virgil Sollozo(1) - Henry Hill

Sonny LoSpecchio (6) - Lefty Ruggerio, Ace Rothstein, Joe Cabot, Carlito Brigante, Jimmy Conway, Tommy DeVito

Henry Hill (6) - Marcellus Wallace, Tony Soprano, Vito Corleone, Frank Costello, Al Capone, Virgil Sollozo

With 16 players alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch

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I'll go on record as being fine with lynching either today.

Just caught up, and that's where I stand. I think with a deadline of 1:30PM tomorrow, it almost has to be one of these guys, anyway. It's a matter now of pick your poison.

HenrEY's meltdown and recovery is one of the oddest things I've seen in one of these games, and I'm not sure what to make of it. It's a huge wifom. Under the concept of "lynch all liars," there's no choice but to lynch him. He must have lied 100 times today. I'm also very wary of it being an oversized ploy.

I'm gonna keep my vote where it is for now, too.

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Just caught up, and that's where I stand. I think with a deadline of 1:30PM tomorrow, it almost has to be one of these guys, anyway. It's a matter now of pick your poison.

HenrEY's meltdown and recovery is one of the oddest things I've seen in one of these games, and I'm not sure what to make of it. It's a huge wifom. Under the concept of "lynch all liars," there's no choice but to lynch him. He must have lied 100 times today. I'm also very wary of it being an oversized ploy.

I'm gonna keep my vote where it is for now, too.

Good point

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I originally voted Sonny due tohisi inactivity and lack of contribution. But, like al ot of people have stated, we do have people that play like that. Joe Cabot's opinion that we have little to gain from killing Henry except finding out if Sonny is the Cult leader is ok, but on the other hand Joe was the other part of the original wifom that kinda made this game interesting and kinda slow moving for ahwile. Joe Cabot isn't above my suspicion yet.

The question I keep asking myself is why did Henry or EY or Officer Yellin or whatever the hell he is at this moment act the way he did? Being the gifted player he is, it just doesn't make no sense for a townie to act like that. None. Add in the little attempt at outing our Dr, possibley the only other power role the town may have left makes things look really bad for him.

Yet his latest officer claim does kinda peeks my interest. Yet, I thought we already lost our finder. Doggin sorta made it clear what to expect in this game. I would love to be able to think that Henry has something to offer but I honestly think EY's flamboyancy has gotten the better of him this time. NO EMMY FOR YOU 1 YEAR!!!!!!!

vote:Henry (EY) Hill

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I originally voted Sonny due tohisi inactivity and lack of contribution. But, like al ot of people have stated, we do have people that play like that. Joe Cabot's opinion that we have little to gain from killing Henry except finding out if Sonny is the Cult leader is ok, but on the other hand Joe was the other part of the original wifom that kinda made this game interesting and kinda slow moving for ahwile. Joe Cabot isn't above my suspicion yet.

The question I keep asking myself is why did Henry or EY or Officer Yellin or whatever the hell he is at this moment act the way he did? Being the gifted player he is, it just doesn't make no sense for a townie to act like that. None. Add in the little attempt at outing our Dr, possibley the only other power role the town may have left makes things look really bad for him.

Yet his latest officer claim does kinda peeks my interest. Yet, I thought we already lost our finder. Doggin sorta made it clear what to expect in this game. I would love to be able to think that Henry has something to offer but I honestly think EY's flamboyancy has gotten the better of him this time. NO EMMY FOR YOU 1 YEAR!!!!!!!

vote:Henry (EY) Hill

I have plenty to offer. Trust me. I'm not officer Yellin. I'm simply a guy with a gun who loves bavarian cream donuts.

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I have plenty to offer. Trust me. I'm not officer Yellin. I'm simply a guy with a gun who loves bavarian cream donuts.

Henry put away the blow, say goodnight to Johnny Walker, give the who-a cab fare, and call it a night. Chances are we can talk about this gain tomorrow.

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Quick insertion....we have a serious problem with Tony. Yet another day goes by with no activity.

Doggin', is activity of a player something you can comment on, or no? What are the odds we'll have to find a replacement here

I definitely think we should bum**** him. But, it doesn't look like that will happen today.

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I definitely think we should bum**** him. But, it doesn't look like that will happen today.

Assuming we thought he was the biggest threat (which isn't true YET), we wouldn't wanna speed lynch for fear he's roled. And quite frankly, I have no confidence he'll show up before the deadline tomorrow.

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Assuming we thought he was the biggest threat (which isn't true YET), we wouldn't wanna speed lynch for fear he's roled. And quite frankly, I have no confidence he'll show up before the deadline tomorrow.

He's going to come back complaining of liquid diarrhea

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Quick insertion....we have a serious problem with Tony. Yet another day goes by with no activity.

Doggin', is activity of a player something you can comment on, or no? What are the odds we'll have to find a replacement here

It definately is striking his lack of participation. It's as if he fell off the map. I don't know if it's replacement time, though, because it's usually up to the player to ask the mod to switch (as far as I know).

Beside this HenrEY/Sonny business, Tony Montana's dissapearance is the next biggest concern.

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And just to add, it's remarkably convenient that Sonny is L-2, HenrEY has his meltdown, and all heat has moved away from Sonny.

I'm also surprised that Frank switched his reasoning. Originally he said we should let HenrEY live and focus on Sonny and Montana because the Cult is more of a threat to the scum now. Is the switch in vote just being tired of this HenrEY business? I only ask because I still agree with your original rationale in tabling the HenrEY matter and focus elsewhere.

I posted it a few pages back..

The idea was based off the thought that scum would be forced to kill him tonight, giving us an extra townie.

But I was wrong when I thought about it some more, since EY's conversion attempt will go through regardless of whether or not he dies, there's no need for scum to kill him tonight figuring the town will be forced to tomorrow.

So, if I knew scum would NK him tonight, I would still be advocating not lynching him, but since we can't trust them to do our dirty work, we'll have to do it..

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To be honest, I think everyone needs to move on from it. This has soaked up so much of the day and where has it really gotten us? We're now closing in on a lynch deadline going in circles talking about the mess he's made and frankly, I'm not sure what lynching him really does. About the only connection I've seen anyone make that we can get out of EY is that it might prove Sonny as the cult leader. If that's the case, doesn't it just make more sense to off Sonny today then?

Sure EY could be a scum "JI poster", but I doubt it as nothing to that end really would seem to add up no matter how many ways you look at it. The other possibility is he's the cult leader or a member, but even then playing it this way doesn't make a ton of sense. Frankly, it doesn't make sense for any player, but we can't forget that this isn't the first time EY has tried to get himself killed in order to prove his cases and when that happened in the past, he was innocent. Even if that's not the case here, outside of us getting rid of a distraction, I think more likely then not we're getting rid of someone who may very well give us very little info upon his death, because outside of the "protecting Sonny" theory, he hasn't been connected to anyone. Under different circumstances I might be more in favor of making the move of offing him, but given the combination of what a disaster night one was plus having the nightly occurrence of NKs and conversions going on, we can't afford to be using early lynches for that type of thing like there typically is the luxury to in other games.

That said, my vote stays with Sonny. If the best we can get out of lynching EY (based on the common theories going around) is a good idea that Sonny is the cult leader, well why not just go straight for the bigger threat?

Protecting Sonny makes no sense though from EY's perspective..

Doggin confirmed a while back that he will reveal cult leader/cult member at death. If we lynch EY and he comes up cult but not cult leader, we can easily lynch Sonny tomorrow as cult leader..

I think this is just a good old fashioned meltdown on EY's part..

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Protecting Sonny makes no sense though from EY's perspective..

Doggin confirmed a while back that he will reveal cult leader/cult member at death. If we lynch EY and he comes up cult but not cult leader, we can easily lynch Sonny tomorrow as cult leader..

I think this is just a good old fashioned meltdown on EY's part..

What will really mess you up is if we lynch Henry and he comes up as converted. What are you going to think when I come up innocent?

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When I die and you see I am in fact innocent, Virgil or Tony, then possibly DeVito... You must re-evaluate him.

I really do love Bavarian Creme, I'm being 100% serious.

If you come back innocent, your new mafia name is triple vulva.

50% more vulva then two-vulva vic..

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If you come back innocent, your new mafia name is triple vulva.

50% more vulva then two-vulva vic..

Oh Frank, I'm going to come back innocent. With a gun, and a bavarian creme donut. If only you understood what this was all about. If only.

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Protecting Sonny makes no sense though from EY's perspective..

Doggin confirmed a while back that he will reveal cult leader/cult member at death. If we lynch EY and he comes up cult but not cult leader, we can easily lynch Sonny tomorrow as cult leader..

I think this is just a good old fashioned meltdown on EY's part..

Agreed, but outside of that I still don't find him to be the most suspicious so given the difficult situation we are in with NKs and conversions, I'm not particularly leaning towards taking him out. When you combine that with the fact that I think we learn very little about others with his lynching, I'm not sure I get the logic. If he's innocent, we go into Day 3 with possibly another 2 dead townies and another converted townie with little information to go on.

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