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Amazin' debt for Miracle Met Ron Darling

Lil Bit Special

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Tax agencies in two states and the IRS have former New York Mets pitcher and TBS analyst Ron Darling caught in a squeeze play. Darling, who helped call the Yankees-Twins game Sunday, owes $544,197 in state and federal taxes, records show.

The 49-year-old Hawaii native earned $17.9 million during a 13-season career, according to Baseball-Reference.com. He won a World Series ring with the Mets in 1986.

What's owed:

The IRS filed a $71,076 lien against Darling on July 29 in the New York City Register's office.

The state of New York filed a $12,664 tax warrant against Darling on May 23 in the New York County Clerk's office.

The state of California filed an $84,860 lien against Darling on June 6, 2008, in Contra Costa County Court.

The IRS filed a $375,597 lien against Darling on May 15, 2008, in the New York City Register's office.

His side:

Darling could not be reached for comment. Turner Sports spokesman Jeff Pomeroy said he left the retired pitcher a cell-phone message and forwarded an e-mail from The Tax Watchdog.

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