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Rex Ryan Book Excerpt Thread


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"When I first met Mr. Johnson, he kept calling me 'Rick.' I'd correct him and say, 'it's Rex, sir,' but it was like he wasn't listening, like his mind was somewhere else the whole time. But it was 'Rick' this and 'Rick' that. Then, finally, he comes up to me at practice this past August and asks me which player 'Rex' was, because he heard he was pretty good..." (pp. 86)

"So Michelle was screaming--and if Mich is screaming I know it's bad because she's as tough as they come--and I'm hitting the guy in the back of the head as hard as I can but he still wouldn't release her foot from his mouth. The guy was like a goddamn pit bull. Finally, I got Michelle's taser out of the glove compartment and zapped the son of a bitch until he dropped. Mich is still pissed at me because she got shocked at the same time, but what was I supposed to do? We kinda laugh about it now. I cut that goddamn guy the next day." (pp. 122)

"I remember the first time I talked to Mike about Gholston and asking what the f*ck he was thinking when he drafted the son of a bitch. Mike was sheepish about it, a little embarrassed, but he finally came clean that it was all Eric's fault. Now, I was pissed because here he is telling me that he let Mangini pick his own guy when just the year before I was begging him to draft me Clay Matthews Jr. Instead, he trades all the way up to five to take Sanchez who--don't get me wrong--is decent and all, but it's like coaching a Cabbage Patch Kid. But that's how we ended up with Gholston and Sanchez, because Mike let Eric draft his own guys while he tells me to go f*ck myself on draft day until, like, the third day when I get to fill out the practice squad. Total douche." (pp. 236)

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