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Dan. last won the day on June 13 2013

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8,568 Ready For Flight

About Dan.

  • Birthday May 8

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  1. Thank you!! ? SMC! I miss you! I get bold AND italics - so exciting!!! ? Hope you and your family are doing amazingly!
  2. Pac! ❤️ haha your WWF skills are just too intimidating. I hope you're doing great, though!! It's been a pretty busy year for us - work is going really well, I lost two pregnancies in a row (which sucks!), we moved into a new house, and our daughter's still keeping us on our toes. Four is such a fun age ... lol I know I've been saying that about every age!
  3. omg would love to zoom with all of you ?
  4. Integrity!!! Long time no see! Hope you and your family are well! ?
  5. AVM! lol I had a dream the other night that you were teaching me computer science. I think it's a sign I'm missing the JN crew! Anyway, I wish I could play, but I have my hands full attempting to do this working-while-parenting thing. ? I hope you all are doing well!!! Have fun! ❤️
  6. I think someone else is the doc. I think you're scum.
  7. Lily is still my #2. I think hallia and verbal are town.
  8. Yeah, the part where jvor says he "would want him to chime in" sounds like scum jvor avoiding directly engaging with a scummate.
  9. I'm good with lynching Wombat next!
  10. This will always be my favorite thing.
  11. If you are scum I will be </3
  12. Noo, this is what makes townie AVM so lovable!!
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