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Chat with Rich Cimini



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Welcome to SportsNation! On Friday, ESPNNewYork.com writer Rich Cimini stops by to chat about the Jets.

Cimini, longtime Jets beat writer for the New York Daily News and a Syracuse University graduate, covers the Jets for ESPNNewYork.com.

Send your questions now and join Cimini Friday at 1 p.m. ET!

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Rich Cimini

(1:04 PM)

Hey, everybody. Thanks for coming. Big game Sunday. Let's get rolling with the first question.


Rich, the Jets have cap room, how in the world has Tanny not already made the obvious moves of signing O'Hara and Woody or Max Starks?

Rich Cimini

(1:05 PM)

That ship has sailed. Unless there's an injury, there's not going to sign a vet OLM. The move should've been done in the preseason. I wrote before the Dallas game that they were making a mistake. It may have cost them 2 games.

Steve (NYC)

Is Rex so lost on offense he doesn't realize that you need to pass to win in the NFL. We passed well the first 3 games, 1 bad game and his mentality regresses?

Rich Cimini

(1:06 PM)

I don't think they passes well in the first 3 games. I think it was OK. But, you're right, he comes off as looking like he's making a knee-jerk reaction.

Barry (Uniondale, NY)

Do you think that Wayne Chrebet is the best Jets receiver of all time?

Rich Cimini

(1:07 PM)

He was a terrific player, no doubt, but there's only 1 WR in that conversation -- Don Maynard.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, I agree with you they will use lotsof nickel,dime and 4 man fronts this week. But after this game i am not sold they will go with Westerman,Mauga and Maybin to replace BT. I still think Banta-Cain is in the mix. Your thoughts?

Rich Cimini

(1:08 PM)

Yes, I still think TBC is a possibility. I know there were discussions about him this past week. I don't think he's the answer, either, but he's better than what they have.

Geoff (Livingston, NJ)

What is more likely... Vlad Ducasse develops into a nice starter for the Jets or he will be cut before the start of next season?

Rich Cimini

(1:10 PM)

He could be cut before the start of next season, but they'll give him the preseason to see if he has improved. The front office believes he was hurt by the lockout. He still hasn't had a full off-season program and they're not gonna cut him until he has one and they see if he benefits.

Derrick (PA)

Heard some rumors about Peyton Hillis asking for a trade. Would it make sense to send Greene and a draft pick to the Browns to pick him up? Hillis is so versitile and Greene has underachieved. I don't see this happening, but think it should.

Rich Cimini

(1:11 PM)

You answered the question yourself.

Greg (Indiana U (via NJ))

Rich, the one thing that scares me when I think about the Jets future is the linebacking corps. What the hell is that thing going to look like in a year or 2 from now? Bryan Thomas isn't going to get resigned, not just because of last week's injury, he's also old and slow. I get the sense Calvin Pace won't play out his entire contract given how overpaid he is. And the same goes for Bart Scott. They're both good, but they're overpaid. So, what do you see in this unit's near future?

Rich Cimini

(1:12 PM)

You make valid points. There are question marks. Obviously, it will be a target area in the draft and free agency.

Anthony (Queens, NY)

Hey Rich, great stuff! With no offseason, short training camp/preseason, and new receivers in the mix (Plax, Mason & Kerley) do you think the change in offense philosophy from Ground and Pound was not fully thought out since they just considered Sanchez's maturation instead of everything else around him?

Rich Cimini

(1:13 PM)

Yes. They figured Sanchez was ready to take the next step and they figured he'd be ok with the new WRs around him. Well, he's not OK. They need more balance, but I wonder if they'll be able to be a truly good running attack.

Steve (Manhattan)

Why is it that only beat writers don't realize that Schotty is an atrocious OC. He needs to go immediately.

Rich Cimini

(1:14 PM)

He's not atrocious. Was he atrocious last week? Yes, but so was everyone else on offense. It's easy to blame the OC, but it's not all his fault. Let's let the season play out longer before we make any definitive statements.

Joe (NJ)

Hi Rich, I thought Jane wrote an interesting column about how the Jets cutting Woody might have helped push him into retirement. Do you think he's back with the jets if he doesn't get cut?

Rich Cimini

(1:16 PM)

I don't blame the Jets for cutting him. I blame them for not re-signing him. I thought he'd be back when the lockout ended and, believe me, so did players on the team. They wanted him back.

Sean (NYC)

What do you think Tannenbaum is saving all this cap room for? I understand they are nearly 9 million under. One thing I noticed from the Ravens game is that they had signed a lot of veteran o-linemen this past year. Is Tannenbaum saving all this cap room to make a splash next year at the cost of possibly not makign the palyoffs this year?

Rich Cimini

(1:17 PM)

Unused cap room can be pushed into next year, which will allow them to sign players.

Derek Hamilton (Waterloo, Canada)

Hey Rich. I don?t get it. As an offensive line men I can understand you getting bull rushed or beat around the edge. It happens. But how in the world can two guys both release at the same time on arguably the 2nd best (Ngata)defense player in the league. (Revis of course is number 1) Ducasse is lost and should join Goulston on a tour from coast to coast on how to make millions of dollars selling immeasurable?s to the NY Jets . I?ve never played the O line but I can?t imagine it being that mentally challenging. It just seemed like Sanchez was running for his life while these buffoons on the line were looking for someone to block. Also Wayne Hunter?s got to check his hot head at the door. He?s undisciplined and going to get us in trouble. Sorry to vent, but as I write this the anger from Sunday night is coming back.

Rich Cimini

(1:19 PM)

Calm down, Derek. You should employ the 24-hour rule. That's what the Jets do. Believe me, playing OL is a lot harder than you can imagine. It's not just lining up and blocking the guy in front of you. It was a mess last week, but Mangold's return will settle things down.

kman (Boston)

Rich, great job this year. Keep up the good work.It seems to me that the Jets running game consists of hapless attempts to run straight up the middle. What ever happened to challenging the edges with pitch outs, reverses and a little misdirection? This seemed to work so well with the same line in 2009 (sans Woody). Remember the Bengals and Chargers playoff games. If it requires more speed, why not use McKnight or Kerley? Also, why the pre-snap motion of a TE or receiver to the from the edge to the middle on running plays? It seems to only bring a defender to the action with no effect on blocking? Is Schotty that incompetent? (my ans: yes) i

Rich Cimini

(1:21 PM)

I don't have the stats at my fingertips, but the Jets did try some perimeter runs against the Ravens. Greene isn't an outside the tackle runner, so it's hard to pull that off. They tried some misdirection to get Ray Lewis out of position and it worked at least once. But certainly their misdirection isn't as effective as last year.

Anthony (Philadelphia)

A lot of buzz about Joe McKnight after his kickoff return for a TD last week, is it time he gets more involved with the offense?

Rich Cimini

(1:23 PM)

Yeah, I could see him in certain packages this week. Personally, I'd use him in the Wildcat.

Anthony (Philadelphia)

Rex is claiming a return to "Ground and Pound", but shouldn't the Jets be thinking of attacking a suspect Patriot's secondary? They've already started putting more responsibility in Sanchez's hands this season, why stop now...Maybe throw the ball to set up the run instead of the other way around?

Rich Cimini

(1:24 PM)

Just because Ryan talked about Ground and Pound doesn't mean they're not going to throwing the ball. They're nuts if they don't attack that secondary. I just think he wants to be more balanced.

Darrelle Revis (Revis island)

Who do you think i will be covering this weekend?

Rich Cimini

(1:24 PM)

Mr. Revis, say hello to Mr. Welker.

Jon (Halifax)

What are your thoughts on how Eric Smith has handled the full time safety role? I don't hear much good or bad about his play

Rich Cimini

(1:26 PM)

One thing about Smith is that he's going to make very, very few mental errors, and that is a must when you play safety for the Jets. Otherwise, he has been so-so. Missed a big tackle the other night and has been beaten a little in coverage.

Luis (piscataway)

So far this season, how do you rate the receiving corps? Is Plaxico and Mason an upgrade from Edwards & Cotchery? Does Burress really draw double teams? And how is Holmes performance this year? Thanks for the chat...

Rich Cimini

(1:28 PM)

Not too impressive so far. Holmes has made some plays, but that was to be expocted. Plaxico is blocking really well. Mason hasn't impressed. Scouts tell me he can't separate anymore. it's a flawed receiving corps.

chris (NYC)

Rich, I am unsure if this will go through because the chat is not coming up. But I will check afterwards. Do you think the Jets will start using more tosses and outside the tackle run plays to get more people involved in blocking this week? I feel like Greene is not the right type of RB for our run offense, he is a up the gut runner but we have no push at the line for him. Can McKnight make the move into a 4-5yard per attempt back on the outside with Greene focusing on shot distance/goal line? We need a change, Schotty has to stop calling plays up the middle!

Rich Cimini

(1:30 PM)

Greene is a one-cut, north-south runner. He's supposed to be able to make yards after contact, but he hasn't done that. If the blocking isn't perfect or close to perfect, he's going nowhere. On zone plays, he doesn't have the cutback skills to exploit large creases. They should use McKNight on toss plays; he can get to the corner.

chris (CA)

Rich, what is your take on Mauga? Is he going to fill in/capable for B. Thomas?

Rich Cimini

(1:34 PM)

I agree with you, Mike. The Jets have to probe certain areas in the NE pass defense. Let's face it, their pass defense stinks. That said, the Jets have to shorten the game, control the ball and keep Brady off the field. Best way to do that is run. But it sounds like big Albert Haynesworth is gonna play, so that'll make it tougher to run. But the Jets will try, no doubt.

Marc (Charlotte)

Great teams start with great offensive lines. The Jets recent success started with Mangold/Ferguson/Faneca/Woody/Moore. It seems like the last few years the Jets have sacrificed quality on this front in their efforts to get younger and cheaper, thus causing their current situation. Do you agree and, if so, how do you fix this both short term and long term to get back to their winning ways and saving their QB/franchize player.

Rich Cimini

(1:37 PM)

Younger, yes, but I don't think money factored into it. They paid huge money to Mangold and Brick, and that's the way it should be. C and LT are the two most important spots. Maybe money factored into Faneca's release (I know it was), but they needed that money to sign Brick, Nick and Revis. Teams have to be able to draft well, that's how you survive FA losses and players getting old. And right now, you'd have to say they blew the Ducasse pick, bigtime.

Walter (New York, NY)

Rich, why is Eric Smith starting over Brodney Pool? I feel like Pool has out played Smith this season and played well at the end in the playoffs last season.

Rich Cimini

(1:38 PM)

Pool is playing more and more. Part of that is because Smith is so involved on special teams.

Rich (NJ)

What happens if the Jets loose Sunday and come home and get beat by a desperate Fins team on MNF? Dolphins have won last 3 in NJ and 4 out of last 5. Is it time to panic?

Rich Cimini

(1:39 PM)

If that happens, turn out the lights, the party's over.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, Revisting an old friend with this. How much better do you think this D would be if Rhodes had bought into the system and made peace with the coaches?

Rich Cimini

(1:40 PM)

I just don't think he's a very good player, not for what these coaches want out of the safety position. He's afraid to hit people, that's not gonna cut it on a Rex defense.

Craig (NY)

No ones talking about kyle wilson.. This game could be a statement game for him. it could also be a terrible game for him. What do you think

Rich Cimini

(1:41 PM)

I guess it's a good thing that no one is talking about him, right? It means he's not screwing up.

Craig (NY)

I thing you do a great job following this team. I think rex make people very envy of your job. That being said.. i think the pats have been saving ochocinco for this game. They want revis covering welker and cro covering branch. This week will be the biggest test to see if kyle wilson has improved

Rich Cimini

(1:42 PM)

I think the Jets would be very happy to see Ochocinco on the field because, frankly, I think they think he's done.

Brett (Manhattan)

With Mangold back this Sunday, Will Jets have better pass protection and run blocking?

Rich Cimini

(1:43 PM)

Can it be worse?

James (Rochester Ny )

He Rich When will it be time to looking for a QB that can get us over that hump? they are saying Mark is a leader but i don't see his grip on the team. Our window for a championship is closing and i don't see any major progress getting the ball to our sure hand receivers. I can't help but think if we had a Josh freeman or Matt Ryan we would be world champs

Rich Cimini

(1:44 PM)

Whoa! You got to the AFC title game two years in a row with Sanchez and now you want to dump him because of a two-game losing streak? Calm down, people. The season isn't over. It's Week 5.

Mark (DC)

Any idea what Rex said to Sanchez when he pulled him back in the locker room before talking to reporters after last weeks game?

Rich Cimini

(1:44 PM)

I'm pretty sure they were discussing the MLB playoffs.

Mark (DC)

People act like the sky is falling with the Jets. People forget that they're coming off of two consecutive 9-7 seasons. The reality is that just because Rex says they're good, doesn't mean they are good

Rich Cimini

(1:45 PM)

Uh, I think they were 11-5 last year.

Justin (NYC)

Rich - What is the deal with Nick Bellore? He was tearing up preseason and brings a ton of energy onto the field...why isn't he being mentioned as a filler for Thomas?

Rich Cimini

(1:46 PM)

Too small to play OLB.

Scot (Washington, DC)

Rich, last week in response to one of my questions, you said that the locker room was surprisingly flat after the Oakland. Well, we saw what came after that. A debacle. What about this week?

Rich Cimini

(1:48 PM)

A good question, but a tough question to answer. I'm not there today, so I don't know, but I sensed a little tension Wed and Thurs, a little tightness. Didn't see or hear much bravado. But, from all indications, the Wed and Thurs practices were crisp.

Oz (CT)

Rex just had a smile on his face when asked about the open Roster spot. He said you guys would figure it out. I'm guessing its Banta-Cain which is why he'd be smiling. Youre thoughts ?

Rich Cimini

(1:50 PM)

Makes no sense to sign TBC on a Friday because he wouldn't be able to play Sunday. It's probably a practice squad player, maybe OLB Eddie Jones. Purely a guess at this point.

Growler (GA)

I've always backed Sanchez and seen how much criticism he endures online (just read all the nonsense Pats fans post about him on these blogs, it's amazing how much time they waste trolling). That said, for the first time I'm genuinely concerned about his progress. He's seemed scattershot the whole season. Okay so it's probably a combination of O-line woes, overrated receiving corps, and lack of running game. That said -- he just appears to me to not be mentally in command. I guess my question is: what is your impression --- and if you agree, can Mark and the coaching staff fix it?

Rich Cimini

(1:53 PM)

Based on the Balt game, you're correct. He didn't handle it mentally or physically. I don't know if you can say he has regressed, but I don't think he has taken steps forward. This is going to be a huge game this week. If he bombs, the "possible benching" conversation would start.

Craig (NY)

Most important player in this weeks game?.. kyle wilson in my opinion

Rich Cimini

(1:54 PM)

I see where you're going with that, but I'd be surprised if he's on Welker a lot. He's not ready.

Brett (Manhattan)

Would this be a statement win for the Jets?

Rich Cimini

(1:54 PM)

Loud statement.

Peter Barrett (Gettysburg)

What is the feel around this game? I know there was some trash taking, but does it feel like an intense rivalry?

Rich Cimini

(1:55 PM)

Not as intense as last year.

Scot (Washington, DC)

Revis WILL be on Welker all game Sunday, right?

Rich Cimini

(1:56 PM)

All game? No, I don't think so. When you put best CB on a slot WR, you run the risk of having him get "picked" in traffic. He'll be on him a good amount of time, but I don't think all the time....although that would be fun to watch, wouldn't it?

Arun (NY)

Maybin has shown flashes as a pass rusher, can he play coverage because of his speed?

Rich Cimini

(1:56 PM)

He's a one-trick pony. He runs fast straight ahead. That's it.

Mario (Providence, RI)

One word... befuddled. How can this team face four depleted secondaries, and yet they cannot capitalize with all these big name receivers. No more excuses please.

Rich Cimini

(1:57 PM)

Great point, Mario. No argument from me.

Kevin (Louisiana)

Any chance the Jets will run the hurry up offense more often during the game? It seems to me it would help the OL, running game and Sanchez if the defense can get tired.

Rich Cimini

(1:58 PM)

Remember the last time they opened the game in hurry-up? I do. It was the 45-3 debacle in NE. Don't think they're going back to that.

Ken (NYC)

Rich, With Bryan Thomas out for the season, do you think Aaron Maybin or Jamaal Westerman are going to be able to step up and fill the pass rushing void? Can either be a solid statrer for the Jets?

Rich Cimini

(1:59 PM)

Truthfully, BT wasn't a great pass rusher. They'll miss his run defense more than anything.

Sexy Rexy (NYC)

Rich - this team doesnt appear to have the fire it had last season thus far? Is it the players they've lost? What's changed in the locker room?

Rich Cimini

(1:59 PM)

Don't know, but you're right. There's a lack of fire.

Al (NM)

So, is S. Greene going to be able to get some "ground and pound" yardage this week, or with Brady's seemingly unlimited offense will Sanchez be throwing long to Burress on a "catch up" offense?

Rich Cimini

(2:00 PM)

Greene will get yardage if the defense can keep it close, and make it a 60-minute game.

Sean (NYC)

Any chance on Aaron Curry or anything else piossibly in the works

Rich Cimini

(2:01 PM)

I'd never say never with Tannenbaum.

Rich Cimini

(2:03 PM)

Sorry, I'm out of time, guys. Thanks for checking in. My thoughts on the game, quickly: Let's look at the obvious factors. Pats playing well, Jets not. Pats at home. Sanchez shaken, Brady not. Just can't see the Pats losing in this spot. Hopefully, it's a good game. Take care and have a great weekend! Rich

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What do you think Tannenbaum is saving all this cap room for? I understand they are nearly 9 million under. One thing I noticed from the Ravens game is that they had signed a lot of veteran o-linemen this past year. Is Tannenbaum saving all this cap room to make a splash next year at the cost of possibly not makign the palyoffs this year?

Rich Cimini

(1:17 PM)

Unused cap room can be pushed into next year, which will allow them to sign players.

Derek Hamilton (Waterloo, Canada)

gee, thanks rich !! what an a$$

so JN, I ask you, are there any big names out there for 2012 ? is this like the knicks clearing cap space to get lebron kinda deal ? the only names I can think of are super mario and ryan fitzpatrick

any other names ?

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What do you think Tannenbaum is saving all this cap room for? I understand they are nearly 9 million under. One thing I noticed from the Ravens game is that they had signed a lot of veteran o-linemen this past year. Is Tannenbaum saving all this cap room to make a splash next year at the cost of possibly not makign the palyoffs this year?

Rich Cimini

(1:17 PM)

Unused cap room can be pushed into next year, which will allow them to sign players.

Derek Hamilton (Waterloo, Canada)

gee, thanks rich !! what an a$$

so JN, I ask you, are there any big names out there for 2012 ? is this like the knicks clearing cap space to get lebron kinda deal ? the only names I can think of are super mario and ryan fitzpatrick

any other names ?


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