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Cromarties muffed punt was NOT his fault


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I don't think that Leonhard was winded. I think he had the wind knocked out of him. The play before the punt was a short pass and IIRC Leonhard went down low blasted Nelson's legs. He was slow to get up and that's probably why they went to Cromartie. I was complaining about it at the game because IMO Cromartie is the guy you use when you are losing, not when you are holding a slim lead. The other obvious choice would be McKnight, but he may have been the #1 RB at the time because Greene has been hurt and McKnight had replaced him the previous series and stayed out for the next one. Greene may not have been ready to go or at least far from full strength.,

Yep it was wind knocked out either way Cro was a bad guy to put back their at any stage. best secnario would have been they tell Cro to let the ball go unless it was kicked low and directly at him. Anything is better than a fumble. hell Cro has issues catching kickoffs sometimes. And McKnight is no better.

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But guys, there was a time when Cro was actually making plays for us on returns.

Remember when he was pulling on the coaches shirt tails to get out there?

Looks like he doesn't want to do it anymore. That was bad...

I have never seen Cro back on a punt since hes been here. he only handled kickoffs from what I remember and if you muff a kickoff you have plenty of time to recover.The thing is Cro is so scary back their I could see teams kicking off to him high and short to create problems for him. If I were a coach kicking to Cromartie I would tell my kicker to kick it high and to about the 5 or 10 yard line so he cant get a full head of steam going and if he muffs it the defenders will be closer to him.

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I guess you didn't watch the second Miami game last year then, which is a plus, since it was one of the worst exhibitions of football I have ever seen at the professional level.

If he did I dont remember it. or I could have been in the bathroom puking

Lately a lot of Jets games could qualify

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The reason Cro was out there was because Kerley was Hurt Leonhard was winded and Rex forgot his brain up his a$$. Why do I say rex and not Westhoff because on the sidelines after the fumble rex pointed at someone and said "its on me" and pointed to his chest.

I think the reason he was pointing to his chest was because he was asking for the guy to get him another double bacon chessburger...

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