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Mark Sanchez: Four straight games of less than 20 completions, less than 200 yards


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Have you gone mad? You refer to Chad Pennington, Kellen Clemens, 40 year Brett Favre, and early career Mark Sanchez as scrubs? Brian Schottenheimer is not worthy of a Medal of Honor but nor are you T0m. Nor are you.

The man has a young, vibrant Mark Sanchez and all he can muster in his 3rd year is 7th in points scored and 8-10 wins. Imagine what Mark could do with routes designed to get guys open!

Give him six more years to find a quarterback...BUT THAT'S IT!

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Braylon Edwards?

mostly the QB and OC, but hunter is killing them, and plax is a big zero. hope he shows up today tho :-). they miss t-rich as well. and no more empty backfields please, sanchez really needs the threat of a run to be effective. it's just crummy all over. and keller is doing his usual disapperaing thing then you need him.

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