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Mr T and Rex have problems evaluating pro player personal --choosing and paying a QB 50 mill with one college season under his belt(small sample) --thinking a life long back-up OL men could start and excel -- puke Safeties cant cover in space---Remedy??? get a real football guy like Bill Parcells to work on a part-time basis to evaluate and pick in the draft and to evaluate the players already on the team---Rex is a great coach but I think he has blind love when it comes to his players---Mr T is just a bean counter forgetaboutit.

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Mr T and Rex have problems evaluating pro player personal --choosing and paying a QB 50 mill with one college season under his belt(small sample) --thinking a life long back-up OL men could start and excel -- puke Safeties cant cover in space---Remedy??? get a real football guy like Bill Parcells to work on a part-time basis to evaluate and pick in the draft and to evaluate the players already on the team---Rex is a great coach but I think he has blind love when it comes to his players---Mr T is just a bean counter forgetaboutit.

Good idea

He did wonders for Miami. Tuna's time has come and gone. Parcells never was a great Draft guy. He is an on field coach.

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Mr T and Rex have problems evaluating pro player personal --choosing and paying a QB 50 mill with one college season under his belt(small sample) --thinking a life long back-up OL men could start and excel -- puke Safeties cant cover in space---Remedy??? get a real football guy like Bill Parcells to work on a part-time basis to evaluate and pick in the draft and to evaluate the players already on the team---Rex is a great coach but I think he has blind love when it comes to his players---Mr T is just a bean counter forgetaboutit.

I don't agree with you in Hunter. He looked very good replacing Woody last year. There was no reason to think he wasn't up to it. Plus I'm certain they got Callahan's take on it before any decision was made. Sometimes you need to trust your assistants evaluations. I place the blame on this one soley on Call.

Tanny is not just a bean counter. If he was then we wouldn't have the likes of Revis, Brick, Mangold, Harris to name a few.

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Good idea

He did wonders for Miami. Tuna's time has come and gone. Parcells never was a great Draft guy. He is an on field coach.

Thank you. Tuna is way overrated as an personnel guy. In fact he's made some of his draft picks look better than they are when has also coached them.

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to pick players like Revis, Brick, Mangold, Harris in the 1st round--Harris 2nd---all u need is a ESPN draft guide--- after round 1 Mr T couldn't pick his nose--

Washington & Smith were 4th rounders, Slauson was a 6th, Connor a 5th, & more than a few UFA 's have done well here. That's just off the top of my head.

You say Tanny can't make a pick past the 1st round and then confirm Harris was a 2nd? OK.

There are many many 1st round busts so saying this can be done via ESPN draft guides of all things is unrealistic

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Mr T and Rex have problems evaluating pro player personal --choosing and paying a QB 50 mill with one college season under his belt(small sample) --thinking a life long back-up OL men could start and excel -- puke Safeties cant cover in space---Remedy??? get a real football guy like Bill Parcells to work on a part-time basis to evaluate and pick in the draft and to evaluate the players already on the team---Rex is a great coach but I think he has blind love when it comes to his players---Mr T is just a bean counter forgetaboutit.

come on man,NOBODY saw hunters sh*tty play coming.last year,the dude picked up the slack like nobodies business. jeckle to hide,right there
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Washington & Smith were 4th rounders, Slauson was a 6th, Connor a 5th, & more than a few UFA 's have done well here. That's just off the top of my head.

You say Tanny can't make a pick past the 1st round and then confirm Harris was a 2nd? OK.

There are many many 1st round busts so saying this can be done via ESPN draft guides of all things is unrealistic

you missed the ship on connor.dude is hit or miss,and imo,a jag. misses more assignment than he hits
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