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Cimini: Tebow's Intro Will Be Money for Jets


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Tebow's intro will be money for Jets

March, 26, 2012

Mar 26



By Rich Cimini

This is what the New York Jets want you to believe about their trade for Tim Tebow:

It's not a publicity stunt, it's about football.

It's not about making money, it's about producing wins.

"Let me be really clear about this," owner Woody Johnson told reporters Sunday at the NFL meetings in Palm Beach, Fla., going on to explain that the trade was based entirely on upgrading the roster.


AP Photo/Mary AltafferThe No. 15 jerseys are already on the rack.

As Johnson made those remarks, his team -- 1,200 miles away in Florham Park, N.J. -- was busy preparing for what probably will be the most heavily attended and most-watched news conference in franchise history.

To introduce the new backup quarterback.

So, no, it's not just a football move. If that's what you believe, you probably believe Jennifer Lopez is an "American Idol" judge because of her insightful analysis.

Of course Johnson wants to win, probably more than most realize, but he's also a businessman, just like the 31 other gazillionaires that own teams in the NFL. And there's no doubt that having Tebow on the roster is good for business. He's a money maker.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, as Jerry Seinfeld might say.

Johnson won't say that publicly because he wants to keep the customers happy, wants them to think it's about them and not about his bottom line. But let's not be naïve. The idea is to grow your product. Winning is the best way, but there are ancillary means that help, too.

Two years ago, the Jets had HBO's "Hard Knocks," which increased their profile and made them a national team. People still talk about "Hard Knocks," including Tebow, who mentioned it last week during a conference call with reporters.

Now, instead of reality TV, the Jets get a cult figure. Tebow already has a commercial billboard at the Lincoln Tunnel and a sandwich in his name at the Carnegie Deli -- a "Jetbow," which is stacked higher than an end-zone pylon.

Sometimes the line between football and marketing gets blurred. Eric Mangini knows the deal. He was the Jets' coach when they imported Brett Favre -- perhaps not coincidentally, a few months after the New York Giants won a Super Bowl. (Hmm, does the Tebow timing sound familiar?)

"There are some positives organizationally from a business perspective with this decision," Mangini said. "As a head coach, it's not your primary focus, but you get it. You understand how all those things come together -- seats, loges, sponsorships. This is a way to make a splash in free agency without paying too high a price."

Think about it: The Jets get $100 million worth of buzz without having to pay a $100 million contract. Tebow will cost them $6 million over the next three years.

They get a backup quarterback, but he gets to play because of the Wildcat formation. What other backup gets guaranteed playing time?

The Jets see it as an ideal situation and, oh by the way, they really think he can spark the running game with his ability to run the Wildcat. Rex Ryan, also speaking at the league meetings, hinted he may use Tebow in other roles as well, not offering specifics.

It would be unfair to criticize the Jets for making this move simply to sell No. 15 jerseys and corporate sponsorships, but don't think for a second it wasn't a factor. You know they're excited about the off-the-field possibilities.

At noon Monday, when Tebow steps to a podium inside the Jets’ massive field house for his first news conference, the Jets will be the epicenter of the football world -- maybe the sports world.

Sensitive to the perception of over-hyping a backup player, they will try to keep it in perspective. No elaborate introductions. No cheesy photo ops. No flowers for the family. Just a Q & A.

Good luck with that. As soon the doors open, it becomes huge.

The Jets have provided many priceless news conferences over the years -- from Leon Hess’s rare appearance in 1995 to Bill Belichick’s stunning resignation in 2000 to Ryan’s White-House prediction in 2009 -- but this is the most anticipated one of them all.

There’s a rock star in the house. Maybe Johnson will watch on TV from Florida.

“Our mission is to win games, pure and simple,” he was saying Sunday.

No one doubts the mission, but there’s nothing pure and simple about it.

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Tune in for Tebow time at noon ET on PFT Live

Posted by Mike Florio on March 26, 2012, 9:11 AM EDT

timtebow.jpg?w=250 Reuters

The New York Jets will officially introduce quarterback Tim Tebow at 12:00 p.m. ET Monday, five days after trading for him (twice) and then having the agreement further delayed due to some “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots” in his contract that needed to be ironed out.

But the deal is now done and you’ll be able to see and hear the entire press conference (or as much of it as we show until we get bored) on Monday’s edition of PFT Live.

So why a press conference for a backup quarterback? Because this is no ordinary backup quarterback — both in name and in expected duties. Coach Rex Ryan said Sunday that Tebow will be on the field for up to 20 snaps per game. For the rest of the snaps, he’ll be a constant subject of attention and discussion and scrutiny.

So, basically, it’ll be no different when games are occurring than it is when games aren’t occurring.

Meanwhile, the current bullies of Broadway have been taking some shots at the Jets’ latest attempt to get noticed for something other than competing for championships. On Sunday, Giants co-owner John Mara was asked whether New York is big enough for both the Giants and Tebow.

“I don’t know,” Mara said, via Gary Myers of the New York Daily News. “But the David Carr press conference will be tomorrow afternoon, too.”

Ryan resisted his instinct to fire back, for a change. “When you win a Super Bowl, you can say anything you want because they are the world champions,” Ryan said. “That’s all fine and dandy.

To the young man, he’s not going out there trying to get the attention. The attention follows him.”

But from the Jets’ perspective, they acquired Tebow knowing that the attention would follow Tebow to New York. And that’s definitely “fine and dandy” with the Jets.

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You know, I really havent quite grasped that whole publicity stunt thingy. I mean, I get it. The dude transcends the sport. But its NY and the Jets have a loud mouth coach with a loud mouth team. They do plenty to generate attention to themselves without Tebow. I mean, what other 8-8 team got more attention than the Jets since the season ended. Hell, what team, has gotten as much attention?

I really dont get why this cant be seen a Football move. Take away the hysteria that comes with the player - just make him average dude with the same skill set...does it not make sense from a Football standpoint? The Jets traded a 4th round pick for a QB who's coming off a division championship and a playoff win. Seems pretty logical to me.

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You know, I really havent quite grasped that whole publicity stunt thingy. I mean, I get it. The dude transcends the sport. But its NY and the Jets have a loud mouth coach with a loud mouth team. They do plenty to generate attention to themselves without Tebow. I mean, what other 8-8 team got more attention than the Jets since the season ended. Hell, what team, has gotten as much attention?

I really dont get why this cant be seen a Football move. Take away the hysteria that comes with the player - just make him average dude with the same skill set...does it not make sense from a Football standpoint? The Jets traded a 4th round pick for a QB who's coming off a division championship and a playoff win. Seems pretty logical to me.

Your right JiF, but why in the hell are the Jets having this major news conference for a talented role player?

There really shouldn't be a news conference at all. On the depth chart he is going to be a back up QB. In all honesty I think he is going to be a lot more, but for the sake of sanity the Jets IMO the Jets should be playing the role of "No big deal"

This is just going to give the Cimini's, and Smith's of the world a ton of ammo, and put a lot of pressure on two young men they need to perform at a high level.

I like both Sanchez, and Tebow, and think they might be able to pull this off. I think Tebow can handle all the negative media hype. Not so sure about Sanchez. So far he is doing well

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Your right JiF, but why in the hell are the Jets having this major news conference for a talented role player?

to try to pop the bubble

best way to quiet things down is to invite everyone into a room and let them have at it

he gave them nothing

something else will get attention now, like vilma getting suspended

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to try to pop the bubble

best way to quiet things down is to invite everyone into a room and let them have at it

he gave them nothing

something else will get attention now, like vilma getting suspended

I can see that. There's really nothing to follow up on. He gave 'em nothing.

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You know, I really havent quite grasped that whole publicity stunt thingy. I mean, I get it. The dude transcends the sport. But its NY and the Jets have a loud mouth coach with a loud mouth team. They do plenty to generate attention to themselves without Tebow. I mean, what other 8-8 team got more attention than the Jets since the season ended. Hell, what team, has gotten as much attention?

I really dont get why this cant be seen a Football move. Take away the hysteria that comes with the player - just make him average dude with the same skill set...does it not make sense from a Football standpoint? The Jets traded a 4th round pick for a QB who's coming off a division championship and a playoff win. Seems pretty logical to me.

I saw a little of the presser at lunch today. Great kid. I can't understand why anyone would hate him - at all. However, make no mistake: "First and foremost" this is an image rehabilitation move. So far, so good.

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Your right JiF, but why in the hell are the Jets having this major news conference for a talented role player?

There really shouldn't be a news conference at all. On the depth chart he is going to be a back up QB. In all honesty I think he is going to be a lot more, but for the sake of sanity the Jets IMO the Jets should be playing the role of "No big deal"

This is just going to give the Cimini's, and Smith's of the world a ton of ammo, and put a lot of pressure on two young men they need to perform at a high level.

I like both Sanchez, and Tebow, and think they might be able to pull this off. I think Tebow can handle all the negative media hype. Not so sure about Sanchez. So far he is doing well

Tebow has more haters than Sanchez and still prevailed. His own team hated him and didnt want him, tried to make him fail and he still prevailed. He'll be fine.

Jason Campbell and Chad Henne had pressers when they signed. So I dont get the big deal. Further, its Tim Tebow. People want to talk to him. They want to ask the questions about how this went down, how did he feel when the Broncos started wine and dining Manning. People want to know about his "decision" between NYC and his home town. I see no problem with the presser. Get it out now and dont let those be the distracting questions for the next 5 months. There is no way you can handle this as "no big deal"....its the biggest offseason hysteria possibly ever.

I saw a little of the presser at lunch today. Great kid. I can't understand why anyone would hate him - at all. However, make no mistake: "First and foremost" this is an image rehabilitation move. So far, so good.

Guy is awesome. He really is. He's a very genuine person which is rare when you are as big of an image as him.

And I dont agree that this is first and foremost a rehabilitation move. You'd be foolish to think their arent components of that in this deal, but I think it was first and foremost a Football move. I truly do believe that. The guy is a really good Football player who came very cheap. The other stuff is bonus material. IMO. Truth is, we'll never know the true motivation.

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