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Jets Camp Report: 8/23


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The Jets held training camp practice at their facility in Florham Park today here’s a recap of what went on:

The news of the day was given by Coach Rex Ryan in his pre-practice press conference that Austin Howard would be taking the starting right tackle position from the embattled Wayne Hunter.  Coach Ryan said Hunter would be used as more of a “sixth” man on the line, extra jumbo blocking tight end, like he had done in the past:

Hunter was not surprised by the change and expresses his desire to do what is best for the team:

Quarterbacks Mark Sanchez and Tim Tebow were limited in their throws today:

According to Coach Rex Ryan the Jets will not be running any “wildcat” plays with quarterback Tim Tebow this preseason:

Injured wide receivers Santonio Holmes and Jeremy Kerley are slowly working their way back to full participation:

Linebacker Nick Bellore has been used at the fullback position of late and was wearing a non-contact jersey due to a shoulder injury but the prognosis is good:

WR Patrick Turner and RB Joe McKnight are both recovering from injury and should be able to do more during tomorrow’s practice:

Injury report: other players who are out or working with the trainers:

Quite the day for the Jets previous right tackle Damien Woody to be at practice with Hunter being demoted, no he’s not planning on suiting up:

The kicker battle continues to be very close between Folk and Brown:



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