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Knee pain commiserations and questions

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So, I’m at the age where things break down and the doctors tell me “well, you’re at the age where stuff hurts but we don’t do anything about it,” as in the classic Louis CK “sh*tty ankle” bit. My right knee has taken a huge beating over the years and I’ve always just thrown an Ace Bandage on it and hoped it would heal itself. But alas, those bills have come due. It now feels like there’s a bunch of shrapnel trapped in the joint that I dream about pulling out myself. The pain/inflammation presents mostly on the outside of the knee and causes tightening issues with my IT band, which then causes inflammation in my hip. 

I’ve been trying to have a doctor take my right knee issue seriously for about ten years, but every time I get it looked at, the doctor(s) invariably say “it’s more trouble than it’s worth/if you start down the path of opening it up, it creates more issues/blah blah blah.” A few years ago, I had it looked at by the former team ortho of the New England Patriots and he basically said “that’s what a 45 year old knee looks like. Wait a few years and get a replacement.” (**** the Patriots).

Anyway, I was considering taking another run at it with a more compassionate orthopedist. Anyone been through something similar? Ever get a “clean up” in the knee joint that worked? 

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