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Where were you the last time you had diarrhea? :rl:

Dude..whenever I go on vacation I pack ''party candy''..immodium..Gas-X..Tums.

12 years ago in Mexico I thought I was going to die..I had a really bad stomach ache..I mean rolling around in bed pain...my buddy goes..''here,take one of these''..it was a di-gel (anti-gas)..after 5 minutes I started ripping em..I mean machine gun farts..and it felt great..you never know when you need party candy in far away places.:lol:

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Dude..whenever I go on vacation I pack ''party candy''..immodium..Gas-X..Tums.

12 years ago in Mexico I thought I was going to die..I had a really bad stomach ache..I mean rolling around in bed pain...my buddy goes..''here,take one of these''..it was a di-gel (anti-gas)..after 5 minutes I started ripping em..I mean machine gun farts..and it felt great..you never know when you need party candy in far away places.:lol:

I keep party candy in stock 24/7/365

nothing worse than being stuck in traffic for hours after dinner in the city without imodium!!

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