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Irish Jet

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OK, a lot of you guys may have noticed that I really dont like our chances tommorow.But if are to stand any chance at all of winning tommorow here are things that I think must happen:

Keys to the game - OFFENCE

OK, this may be hard.

Our O-line has to step up. BIG TIME! They are going to face a lot more blitzing than normal now that Clemens is in so they need to have learned a lot in a week. If they block like they did in the last couple of games (incl pre-season) then we cant win. They need to give Clemens some sort of time to get comfortable in the pocket. Great run blocking would be nice but I think thats asking a bit much vs this D.

Clemens has to limit any mistakes but at the sametime cant be too conservative. We must have good playcalling which i will mention more about later. Bottom line is Clemens has to be safe with the ball, I think he will commit a few turnovers but its his first start and that would be expected, if he could maybe puts up these kind of numbers:

13/20, 170 yds, 1 TD, 1 INT( pending that it gives the ball to Ravens O in their half)

That would be great and would give a great shot at winning, I cant see it though. i honestly think the kids in for a real rough day.

I also expect us to target Samari Rolle and avoid Reed and McCallister. Now Samari Rolle is a pretty good CB but Im afraid pretty good is as bad as it gets for the Ravens D. Maybe Cotchery can have some success vs him pending of course that Kellen isnt being killed.

Keys to the game - DEFENCE

We must limit McGahee, which will be difficult but can be done. We need to forget about what he has done to us in the past and focus on stopping him NOW! If he goes 120+ we have no chance.

Kyle Boller IMO is a very underated QB, who I've always felt when he'd get this second chance would take it (so far he has).The key is to force him into making mistakes, we need to confuse him by using lots of complex packages and blitzing him early and often. If we hurt his confidence early (that is possible) it could really hurt the Ravens.To do that though we may need to generate something resembling a pass-rush, something I havent seen from us in a while.

Jonathan Ogden is down and will be replaced by a rookie, we must exploit this and go straight for him.

We need to get turnovers and hopefully Defensive TD's. We must get turnovers defensively to make up for the offensive strugglesa and give us good field position, which as a battle in itself I feel we must win. Guys such as Rhodes and Vilma must step up and show that they are elite palyers in this league.

Defence is the key to this game. IMO if we do somehow win it'll be largely down to them.


Things that I think may play a huge part:

Trick Plays- Brad Smith. Now IMO would be a very good time to utilize his talents. he could potentially hurt this D more than Clemens. I hope we get the ball in hand of our recievers (especially Smith) using a lot of end arounds, and in Smiths case the option to throw.

Special Teams - First off, we need to stop Ed Reed (if hes returning) that guy is a threat every time he has the ball (injuring him wouldnt hurt either;)).Also our return game must be solid if not spectacular, Im not relying on our O to do much so I think ST and defence will decide the game. If Miller, Revis or Washington can return either a kick or a punt for a TD and give us good field position all day we have a good chance. Fingers crossed that they can provide something.

Overall i cant see a victory, i think its far too much to ask of Clemens to step in vs that D and produce but who knows, Any Given Sunday.

My prediction - Ravens 24 Jets 10

I'll get behind my team though and root for them through every snap. I hope to God that somehow someway I am totally wrong and Clemboy rallies the jets to victory.



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