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Back to the Stone Age

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Yeah, so anyway, a run in with the DVLA has meant I've had to take the car back to Ireland. (It's great, they let the Eastern Euros drive their cars untaxed, uninsured and never do a thing about it, but me? Nope. "We're going to impound that, despite the fact that under our laws you are entitled to drive it here")

So, a lovely trip, a woman collapsing and needing oxygen at the supermarket when I was stocking up on trip munchies, then getting buzzed by RAF Hawk jets, then having to endure rush hour Dublin traffic, and then seeing what looked like a drunk flying across the road. Turns out she was a cyclist mown out of it by a taxi. (She survived)

2 hours just to go 5 miles.

And the end result?

Back on my medieval dial up....5 minutes to load a page.

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Yeah, so anyway, a run in with the DVLA has meant I've had to take the car back to Ireland. (It's great, they let the Eastern Euros drive their cars untaxed, uninsured and never do a thing about it, but me? Nope. "We're going to impound that, despite the fact that under our laws you are entitled to drive it here")

So, a lovely trip, a woman collapsing and needing oxygen at the supermarket when I was stocking up on trip munchies, then getting buzzed by RAF Hawk jets, then having to endure rush hour Dublin traffic, and then seeing what looked like a drunk flying across the road. Turns out she was a cyclist mown out of it by a taxi. (She survived)

2 hours just to go 5 miles.

And the end result?

Back on my medieval dial up....5 minutes to load a page.

For us dumbasses in the States, what does ''DVLA'' stand for? British motor vehicles or something?

BTW, sorry to hear about your ordeal. you post much better on high speed internet. heh ;)

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