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Jet Bashing


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It's incredible how much Jet bashing is going on out there.

Do we get that little respect as a franchise that everyone and their mother has to criticize every deal we make?

The Aint's trade for a broken down, 8-yd downfield tackling machine who's coming off major knee surgery and you'd think we just traded Joe Montana for a bag of balls.

Our record of success since Parcells took over the franchise from Kotite is very, very good compared to the majority of the league...yet we get slammed for almost every move we make.

What gives?

I'm as tough on our FO as anyone but when you look at what we inherited from one of the truly dreadful coach/FO combos in the league we're lookin good.

Clemens hasn't looked great but I don't think it's fair to compare him to Young, Cutler and Leinert yet. In fact, those three don't look so hot either at this point.

Revis, Harris, Mangold, D'Brick, Washington are all very good draft picks.

This regime finally shot Chad, Vilma, DRob, JMac...and brought in guys like Faneca, Jenkins, Pace...

This regime gets slammed a lot...however I see real progress.

We were not going to win a RING with Penny and his twice repaired shoulder leading the way. Now we can move on and see if Clemens can get it done.

Let's give this group some credit for executing a plan and changing the makeup of our team to compete for years...not just to be mediocre.

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It's incredible how much Jet bashing is going on out there.

Do we get that little respect as a franchise that everyone and their mother has to criticize every deal we make?

The Aint's trade for a broken down, 8-yd downfield tackling machine who's coming off major knee surgery and you'd think we just traded Joe Montana for a bag of balls.

Our record of success since Parcells took over the franchise from Kotite is very, very good compared to the majority of the league...yet we get slammed for almost every move we make.

What gives?

I'm as tough on our FO as anyone but when you look at what we inherited from one of the truly dreadful coach/FO combos in the league we're lookin good.

Clemens hasn't looked great but I don't think it's fair to compare him to Young, Cutler and Leinert yet. In fact, those three don't look so hot either at this point.

Revis, Harris, Mangold, D'Brick, Washington are all very good draft picks.

This regime finally shot Chad, Vilma, DRob, JMac...and brought in guys like Faneca, Jenkins, Pace...

This regime gets slammed a lot...however I see real progress.

We were not going to win a RING with Penny and his twice repaired shoulder leading the way. Now we can move on and see if Clemens can get it done.

Let's give this group some credit for executing a plan and changing the makeup of our team to compete for years...not just to be mediocre.

Simple answer to your question. We have not won anything in 39 years. When we win that meaninful game then respect will come to us again.

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It is incredible--usually the off-season is when we all convince ourselves the Jets are SB bound, then we bash them during the season.

I was on another site and i bash Pennington before the season started because the way he played against Minnsota in the preseason. you knew something was wrong with him when he was throwing those floaters for INTS.

Pennington is the heart of this team till Kellen proves what he can do. If healthy no one can stop Pennington when injured then were doom to be 6-10 at best.

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