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ripping DVDs


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I'm in the process of trying to rip some DVDs to put on my wife's iPod. Does anyone know of any free programs that I can use? Everything I have found you have to pay for in order to do an entire movie. I'm all about the free but I guess if I have to I'll just buy this one I've been using.

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handbrake has a free version

Yeah, I gave that one a try but the first DVD that I tried it claimed that it was write protected or something like that so I gave up on it. Maybe it was something I was doing wrong.

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There is also Mac the Ripper.

Try a few more with Handbreak, I have used it on a TON and it works great.


Agreed, this work perfect for Mac, however if you use PC try DVDfab works great also. DVDshrink also works, but not for newer titles.

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