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sports086a.jpg Keith Hernandez cried after getting traded to the Metst.gif 25 years ago today. He had been taken away from the Cardinals, the only team he had ever known and sent to the Mets, who hadn't been to the playoffs in 10 years.

New York Mets

"I remember the trade being one of the lowest points in my life," Hernandez said in a phone interview. "It wasn't a good day for me getting traded to a perennial doormat."

Eventually, Hernandez would see he was part of a franchise turnaround that culminated three years later with a world title. The June 15, 1983 trade of Neil Allen and Rick Ownby for the 29-year-old former MVP was one of the first pieces of that championship puzzle.

Hernandez became the leader of those raucous Mets teams and along the way developed a love affair with Mets fans. That marriage has never been stronger than it is today, when Hernandez, 54, may be more popular at Shea Stadium than ever, 19 years after his final game as a Met.

"People just love him," said Gary Cohen, who shares the broadcast booth with Hernandez on SNY. "He's a rock star."

Through his broadcast work, a memorable appearance on "Seinfeld" and the nostalgia for the '86 Mets, Hernandez has become a cult figure among Mets fans. His mustache was voted America's favorite last year, his jersey is one of the best-sellers among throwbacks, and fans scream his name when he's spotted.

"I think he hearkens back more to a tough era and a style of play that Mets fans appreciate," said Matthew Cerrone, who runs metsblog.com. "I think things like 'Seinfeld' and the mustache contest have over time built up the legend of Keith Hernandez."

Hernandez's popularity is so high that whenever a Mets manager is in trouble, dating back to Bobby Valentine, Hernandez's name emerges as a replacement. This despite the fact he has never managed or coached at any level and swears he has no interest in the job.

This issue arose last month when Willie Randolph's job appeared to be in jeopardy. Hernandez's name was thrown out on talk radio as the most popular choice among Mets fans to replace Randolph.

"My name always comes up," Hernandez said. "I'm not interested. It did make me uncomfortable because I like Willie. I think he's a good field manager.

"Managing entails so much more today than it did in my time [as a player]. I'm just not prepared to make that kind of commitment."

Hernandez lives in Florida for most of the year. He has a house in Sag Harbor he stays at when he is in New York. It is 86 (could it be any other number?) miles one way for Hernandez to drive to Shea Stadium. That's bearable for a broadcaster who does about 60 home games, but not for a manager.

The roots of his popularity come from his playing days. The '86 Mets are one of the most beloved teams in New York sports history, right next to the 1956 Giants and 1970 Knickst.gif. Doc and Darryl provided the flash, Wally and Nails the scrap and Hernandez was the glue.

New York Knicks

"I just think our team in the '80s had such a bond with the fans," he said. "That's permanent. The only way it's going to wash away is when the generation that saw us play starts dying off."

Hernandez retired in 1990. Two years later, his agent, Scott Boras, called with an offer to guest star on "Seinfeld." Hernandez had never heard of the show, but thought the money sounded good. He flew to Los Angeles, panicked a bit when he saw his lines, then became part of TV history. The two-part episode, "The Boyfriend," is among the most popular of any show ever.

"A lot of people watch sports," Hernandez said. "More people watch 'Seinfeld.' It gave me a second life, it reached a broader population. I was very lucky. I think I've always had a guardian angel looking out for me."

To this day, Hernandez can't walk through an airport without someone yelling lines from the show.

In 1999, he returned to the Mets as a broadcaster, but his popularity soared in 2006 when teamed with Cohen and Ron Darling on the SNY crew. From his no-holds-barred critiques of the team to his history lessons and quirky stories, he has endeared himself to the audience.

"It's just that he's honest," Cerrone said. "That's not to say the other guys aren't, but Keith comes at it more emotionally. In this day and age, everybody so guarded, his honesty resonates with the passion fans feel. He talks a lot in this every-day way. He's a guy people would love to just hang out with and have a beer with."

Pop-culture Keith

Keith Hernandez dates Elaine on "Seinfeld" in 1992. His mustache was the subject of a recent SNY giveaway.

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Keith is one of the most under rated 1b's ever. He was an excellent clutch hitter and very consistent.

he was the type of leader the mets are sorely lacking these days.

He led by his defense.

He led by his offense.

He led by his field presence. I've never seen someone work with pitchers and infielders as much as Keith did. If a pitcher was struggling, Keith was there....

Its a shame he isnt recognized more for his contributions.

although I'm not a big fan of his broadcasting skills... sounds like one of us up there.

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