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Unclutch Posada


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Take all those nice catcher hitting stats and throw'em out.

In a big spot, Jeter's best pal is USELESS.

LAst night, like always(spare 2 occasions-bloop vs. Pedro and the homer), in a big spot Posada does nothing WITH THE BAT.

Again today, like game 6 in 2003-play at the plate, and he doesn't get it done.

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It wasn't long ago some Yank fans compared Posada to the top guys-Loduca, Pudge, Varitek. Now, he's worse than the AJ Pierzyniskis. And paid top dollar. Want to cut some payroll-dump this load. To think people worried about dumping him last year in a Kendall/Big Unit 3-way trade. Kendall's so much better it's a joke now. But Jeter is happy that his pal is here. Yippee!They can double date, to hell with production. This is how great teams die-worrying about off-the-field nonsense instead of prodcution.

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I agree he's not clutch, but I'm not so sure about the Kendall comment. He's got no homeruns at all, and less RBI's, though the avg. is better, but not great, about where Jorge usually is. And defensively, Posada doesn't harm the Yanks. If asked about building a team, ya, I'd take Kendall mostly due to his age. I'm just more concerned that he's not the only non-clutch player we have.

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