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I have to apologize to my fellow Jet fans.


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It happened during the first game of the year. Chad Pennington was driving deep into our territory, and sure enough out of nowhere -- this flashing blur of light, came and swatted the ball away. I was in shock! #34 Dwight Lowery who could that be, but our very own fourth round pick! I then thought to myself, wow we always pick studs in the 4th round. From Rhodes to Cotchery, and Leon the 4th round has always been our jackpot. After the game, I was so excited that we had two "shutdown" corners, and began bragging to all of my giants and pats fan friends saying that we had one of the best secondaries in the league. Damn was I wrong.

Turns out I made all of us jets fans look stupid by telling everyone that Dwight Lowery was good. Did anyone else make this fatal mistake or am I the only idiot? How could it be that this guy is so bad now? I haven't seen him make any plays since that game, and the only time his name gets announced is because he just got torched. And another thing. Of all the corners for us to release, between Coleman, Carroll and Idebgho or whatever, you release Justin Miller? WTF. Not that he was an allstar here but damn, he could have been used for something if he was actually put on the field. I feel like Mangini thinks he has earned some sort of respect and that his personnel policies are perfect, because they way he uses his players. 1 Carry for Leon, like 3 plays for Clowney?? I mean these guys make plays.

Wake the **** up Mangini and put players that make plays on the field, and not your favorites.

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And everyone called me an idiot for me bashing him after the Cincinnati game. Yes, some stud he is. :rolleyes:. We all over-reacted, it was what it was, a one game flash in the pan by a 4th round pick from San Jose State that was better projected as a safety. Ty Law would not be here if Lowery was playing at least decent and for some reason people cannot see that. Its like the ones who say Delthea O'Neal is a good CB because he gets interceptions. Problem is yes he'll get you 8 interceptions but every single pass he doesn't intercept he lets up a first down or touchdown.

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