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Good Article by Mike Freeman in Jets


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Wave after wave of media approached Bart Scott after the game that changed the course of the Jets franchise, and he engaged them all. It was an orgy of chatter.

"We're not punks," Scott told me.

Who called you punks, I asked?

"You did."

I don't think I did.

"Yes you did. I read you."

I'll check but I'm sure I haven't called the Jets punks.

"You did. I read you. We're not punks now are we?"

Thanks for reading me.

"You're welcome."

And it was an emphatic you're welcome. Like: YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!!

Scott wasn't being obnoxious. Like a lot of the Jets, he was able to convey his message without being a jackass.

Are you like me? You want to hate the Jets but can't. You want to be annoyed but you aren't. You want to say "oh, please" over their verbosity and strutting but find yourself saying "oh yeah" instead.

If the Green Bay Packers are America's Team then what are the Jets? Their loud-mouthed uncle?

If the Steelers are the most popular team in the playoffs then what are the Jets, the Jersey Shores? Jenn Sterger's Team?

Could America ever embrace the Jets or will the only precinct they win outside of New Jersey be Amsterdam?

The Jets are making me question my sports fundamentals, and I'm likely not alone. The mouthy, the arrogant, the trash-talking are normally not my thing. Despite massive faults (the locker room scandal being one of them) there's something about the Jets that is ... that is ...


Their imperfection and roguishness that was once a turnoff now means something else. It's difficult to explain. There's been a transformation of the image of this team. They were once all talk, a franchise that bumbled and stumbled while along the way seemed misogynist and juvenile.

Something has happened since then. It's not just the winning. The Jets are different from any NFL team I've been around in some 20 years of covering the sport, mainly because they don't attempt to hide their faults. Or lie about them. They splay themselves open like freshly caught cod for all to see. They don't seem to care about anyone or anything. They're wonderful brutes.

The turning point in the likeability curve came in the way Rex Ryan handled the foot fetish fiasco. He never became bitter over the thousands of jokes (millions?) that followed, including Wes Welker's not-so-subtle bit of innuendo (innuen-toe?). He stood before the cameras. Didn't run. Didn't complain about the media. Just took the heat and the one-liners and moved on.

They don't apologize or compromise. Sure, they can be annoying and like to say "We told you so," but they're the most likeable group of annoying big mouths going today.

You have to appreciate a team that causes the sometimes-stodgy NFL to send out a memo warning its franchises about talking too much.

"... We have everything here and it starts with trust in each other," Ryan said. "It starts with laying it on the line for the guy next to you and that kind of commitment that we have. You're not just facing a bunch of individuals. You're facing a team. I think we gain strength from the team. It's not just about us having some great individual players, it's how they play collectively, which is what sets us apart from a lot of teams."

New York's game against Pittsburgh is difficult to call. Almost impossible, actually. The only thing that concerns me for the Jets is -- so far at least -- they have been awfully quiet. For them, they've gone radio silent, though that could change any second.

Talking is what the Jets do. It's their nuclear fission. The Jets without chatter is like Indiana Jones without his whip.

Look up the word talk in the dictionary and there's a picture of Scott chatting into a tape recorder, the seasons passing behind him, the batteries on the recorder running dry.

Don't change, Jets.

Don't change.

See people in the media DO like us! If we win on Sunday the number will only grow.

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Mehhh, add him to the "piss off" pile of bandwagon writers like ESPN and Gray Meyers. Now they don't want us to change :rolleyes:

Bandwagon writers and fans, as much as they are despicable, are a very good indicator that this franchise is heading towards success. Long time die hard fans will need to adjust and make room for them. It's a small price to pay to see my beloved team finally gain recognition as a winner. Don't forget it can all disappear so quickly.

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