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Mom jailed for sending her kids to a "GOOD" school.


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You attach a negative stigma to dependence, which is a necessary part of free market capitalism. Unless, of course, you're completely self-sufficient, which I doubt.

What part of "free-market" capitalism requires dependency, and dependency on what? I dont understand what you're getting at. Also, what free-market are you speaking of...the US?

If so thats pretty funny to me. Free markets dont have "to big to fail" companies that are given bailouts and put on the taxpayers tab. Nor does it have "QE" measures to prop up the stock market to give an artificial impression that there's wealth in stocks, municipal bonds and treasuries. Free markets means free competition on a level playing field. Thats obviously not the case, hence no free market.

Explain to me though War, maybe im misunderstanding you.

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What part of "free-market" capitalism requires dependency, and dependency on what? I dont understand what you're getting at. Also, what free-market are you speaking of...the US?

Explain to me though War, maybe im misunderstanding you.

Maybe this is a confusion over semantics, but the very concept of supply and demand is one founded on dependency. Company A builds/provides service/good X, which requires the goods of Company B. The consumer needs food, entertainment, whatever, and thus buys service/good X, and contributes to the economy by whatever they work as.

Dependency is the foundation of any specialist economy, no?

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Maybe this is a confusion over semantics, but the very concept of supply and demand is one founded on dependency. Company A builds/provides service/good X, which requires the goods of Company B. The consumer needs food, entertainment, whatever, and thus buys service/good X, and contributes to the economy by whatever they work as.

Dependency is the foundation of any specialist economy, no?

No. Free markets isnt dependency...then it wouldnt be "free". The only thing that has a dependency is the market itself, because it needs a buyer and consumer in order to be relevant. Let me explain.

Lets take the example with food. You can either buy food on the market (Supply/demand of items) or grow your own (has nothing to do with the market).

Free market capitalism only provides the structure for a fair playing field, and there is no government intervention unless it is to weed out fraudulent activity. That is the free market by definition. However, there's no dependency on the market because You dont "need" a TV. You want a tv. You "need" food, but you can grow your own food (which shows that there's no dependency on free market capitalism in order to eat).

Items and goods can be sold and with free markets the markets dictates itself, however, there's no such thing as a dependency on the free market. You give me an example of what I would be dependent on, and I'll show you an alternative to do it yourself.

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Maybe this is a confusion over semantics, but the very concept of supply and demand is one founded on dependency. Company A builds/provides service/good X, which requires the goods of Company B. The consumer needs food, entertainment, whatever, and thus buys service/good X, and contributes to the economy by whatever they work as.

Dependency is the foundation of any specialist economy, no?

By the way, dont get me wrong...I think the free market is great, when running in the fashion that it was meant to be ran. Im not bashing, nor would ever bash free market capitalism because it provides freedom and responsibility within commerce which is all I ask for. The freedom of responsibility to succeed or to fail. With that I can always be content with the outcome because I know that it was fair. All im saying is that one must realize when the free market is no longer the "free market".

When the government wont allow businesses to fail when its engaged in bad business practicies and prop it up at the peoples expense, there's a problem. But if it was your business they'd let it go right down the toilet bowl. You see, the free market is quite simple,...it isnt easy, but it is very simple. If you fail or make a bad decision its on you (as long as you werent coerced in doing so). The free market always fixes itself, and bad businesses are always replaced by better ones in an open, fraud free economy. When we get government intervention (outside of dealing with fraud etc.) we have a very very bad problem.

Take this for example war. The Dow just hit 12,000 pts. Everyone is saying that wall street is back, not taking into consideration that the unofficial numbers of unemployment on Main street is over 20% and the money that's flooding the market isnt investors money, is QE money to prop up the market. How long do you expect that to last?

Its called "Gloom, Boom and Doom". The Gloom was in 2008 with the bailouts. The Boom is RIGHT NOW with everything going up (artificially) to make people believe that there's a legit recovery and wealth in the economy. The Doom is when they can no longer prop up the market with "hot money" and the market begins to crumble because people/govt's in foreign nations no longer want your inflated money or your toxic 10 year bonds.

ALL THIS, because these "entities" didnt want to play by the rules of the free market.

So when you hear me say the things I say war, its not that im some type of uneducated rebel who hasnt done his homework. I understand what im looking at, and its called fraud and usury. This is exactly why I wouldnt TOUCH a stock. I knew back in 08 the moment they said "too big to fail" that the market was about to get hijacked in plain view. I havent lost my zeal and determination to look at things critically and find out for myself, and from what I see...this is nothing like free market capitalism.

Nothings wrong with free market capitalism that I can speak off when everyone plays by the rules, the problem is people thinking that they're smarter than the free market so they're going to try and manipulate it. It never works because someone gets hurt (more often than not, the taxpaying citizen). Its like playing in traffic. It only takes one car to hit you. So, because of that I dont participate...because I dont like casinos.

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unapportioned tax on ones labor is fraudulent (Do you know THIS type of fraud?) and its usury by the over privileged. Maybe if the poor didnt have that lingering over their heads they could pay for a good education and give back to their communities willingly, and not have to commit fraud to get a proper education. You wouldnt understand that though because you think im boasting, when the situation in itself is f'ing sad. Only a person who can identify with the "under privileged" can empathize.

Also, it isnt like the items I buy dont have tax attached to it. Atleast I know the things that I purchase I support, and the things that I dont support I wont put one red cent into (willingly that is). Figure that one out. I'll pay when there's no more people under that "privileged" line of dependency.

Definition of dependence: the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else. Thats slavery bro, not free market capitalism. I know the difference quite well given that im from the cloth of the under privileged so my history teaches me. And im not a robot, I dont support things because the majority have been trained to do so. If it aint morally/ethically right im not supporting it. Maybe you should identify, and do the same.

So you believe in sales tax but not income tax? Interesting.

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No, thats not what im saying at all. The "lack" of access to education keeps people from improving their situation more often than not. Thats what im saying.

So you contend that if you sent buses into Fort Greene and took the children out to attend some "good" school in Westchester or Long Island, that there would be some profound effect on those kids' future, barring any other factors changing?

Goes to show that I was right about the Ignoring part of being privileged lol.

My only "privileges" in life were being born with pale skin (something I don't discount at all, though I do burn quite easily, which is no fun) and having a stable 2-parent household in which an active interest was taken in my education and overall well-being.

I know you'll counter that the admissions process is inherently racist, but I took advantage of the opportunity to attend a specialized high school that is available to every child in the NYC public education system.

Easily, make it available to all, and not simply to the privileged. Get government out of the school system, allow people to home school their kids. Choices my friend is much more equitable than funded dependency.

Making wonderfully utopian blanket statements like "make it available to all and not simply the privileged" doesn't provide answers. You're clearly against the current economic system and don't believe in paying income tax, so how would you propose these learning institutions be funded? I mean, the "privileged" are already providing the bulk of the funds that provide the "dependency" for schools for the under-privileged.

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So you believe in sales tax but not income tax? Interesting.

Do you know the laws that govern sales and income tax? Have you even read it? (Id like you to answer to those questions actually)

I never said that I dont "believe" in the income tax. I said that an unapportioned tax based on someones labor is illegal and a fraud that has been perpetrated on the people who'd rather disagree with the person who actually READ THE LAW instead of reading it for themselves. If you read it you wouldnt find my stance so interesting.

I'll help you. "Subchapter N" (Internal Revenue Code "section 861") of the tax code will let you know what "taxes based on income From Sources Within or Without the United States" are liable for a tax. I'll even provide a link for you. The rest of the tax code is based only on who's "liable" for the tax in the first place. Where do you find who's liable? Click the link below and inform yourself.


Once you understand what the law is you'll find it very interesting why you continue to give your money away. Much more interesting than what you THINK I believe.

Lastly, there's no advertisements on that link to give you a false sense of truth behind the info itself so dont worry. However, if you dont like wiki, try Cornell university's Law School website.


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So you contend that if you sent buses into Fort Greene and took the children out to attend some "good" school in Westchester or Long Island, that there would be some profound effect on those kids' future, barring any other factors changing?

It depends, is the school at fort green as good as the one in westchester or long island? You cant bar the facts, life in "their world" may not work like that. Give me a realistic scenario.

My only "privileges" in life were being born with pale skin (something I don't discount at all, though I do burn quite easily, which is no fun) and having a stable 2-parent household in which an active interest was taken in my education and overall well-being.

You should NEVER discount something that you are that you dont have control over. That would be like self-hate lol. I do appreciate that you do see it as a privileged that it is based on the world that we live in. Because lets be honest, I dont look at you as a racist at all, but you and I both know this world is ran on "ism's" and it doesnt have to just be racism. Sorry that you burn easily, that must suck bro. I've never had a sun burn, then again I have a permanent tan lol.

I know you'll counter that the admissions process is inherently racist, but I took advantage of the opportunity to attend a specialized high school that is available to every child in the NYC public education system.

Then there''s no problem with "that school" if its available to every child. You see, thats not utopian lol. Anyway....

I would only call a spade a spade. Just because YOU took advantage of what you could doesnt make you racist at all. However, if people are going to deny the type of world that we live in (ignoring other peoples problems that they TELL YOU they have) then it just makes me shake my head in disbelief that people can either not see it, or see it but cant empathize.

Making wonderfully utopian blanket statements like "make it available to all and not simply the privileged" doesn't provide answers. You're clearly against the current economic system and don't believe in paying income tax, so how would you propose these learning institutions be funded? I mean, the "privileged" are already providing the bulk of the funds that provide the "dependency" for schools for the under-privileged.

Of course im against our economic system that states im liable for part of the 14 trillion debt that I had no control over while the "takers" hide behind corporations and holding companies and ship their money off shore to take a profit simply to avoid the tax that they are actually liable for. There are loop holes big enough for me to sit in when it comes to the eco system. As for the income tax, you've never read the law, you just pay it like everyone else, so maybe you shouldnt speak on something that you obviously dont understand because you havent taken the time out to do so. Im not a follower. I actually read what impacts me (to the best of my ability), so in doing so I'll come across something that isnt right but you'll criticize me as if im the one who's wrong yet you've never read the code and it says it RIGHT IN THE DAMN CODE. Thats typical.

As for the learning institutions that you "think" you pay for (if you knew any better you'd realize where your income tax went, but since you dont research yourself no wonder you sound funny to me), I say once you fix free market things will begin to work out themselves because people would have a choice. This is about choices, not institutions and these tax payers that "think" that they pay for it, though 0% of their tax payer dollars go to the institution, it goes to pay the national debt, you know...that 14 trillion you owe lol.

Look, im not going to hold this convo until you start reading what you're speaking on okay? I think that would bring a more exciting debate. I cannot make sense to a person who's foundation on something is false in the first place. Go read the tax code (because you havent), understand where your taxes go (pick up a Ron Paul or Edward Griffin book and read) and then come back to me and we'll have a much better convo then we could ever have at this moment. Im only wrong to you because your understanding is wrong to begin with. Go research and then come back to me.

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Do you know the laws that govern sales and income tax? Have you even read it? (Id like you to answer to those questions actually)

I never said that I dont "believe" in the income tax. I said that an unapportioned tax based on someones labor is illegal and a fraud that has been perpetrated on the people who'd rather disagree with the person who actually READ THE LAW instead of reading it for themselves. If you read it you wouldnt find my stance so interesting.

I'll help you. "Subchapter N" (Internal Revenue Code "section 861") of the tax code will let you know what "taxes based on income From Sources Within or Without the United States" are liable for a tax. I'll even provide a link for you. The rest of the tax code is based only on who's "liable" for the tax in the first place. Where do you find who's liable? Click the link below and inform yourself.


Once you understand what the law is you'll find it very interesting why you continue to give your money away. Much more interesting than what you THINK I believe.

Lastly, there's no advertisements on that link to give you a false sense of truth behind the info itself so dont worry. However, if you dont like wiki, try Cornell university's Law School website.


I understand the tax law quite well, thank you. I choose not to violate it.

Are you Wesley Snipes?

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It depends, is the school at fort green as good as the one in westchester or long island? You cant bar the facts, life in "their world" may not work like that. Give me a realistic scenario.

My point is that there are countless other factors as to why it is difficult for people to advance their standing in society. A lack of top-notch educational institutions is only a small part as to why people remain impoverished from generation to generation.

It's not up to the government or a Board of Education to do things like providing a better home life or trying to prevent teenage pregnancy. Do you not think that pop culture and mass media don't have a huge role in all of this? Does it make sense for kids living in the projects to be wearing the newest Jordans or to have every video game system? People can only improve their situations with either a great deal of luck or an even greater amount of hard work and sacrifice. Simply providing "good" schools to all isn't going to magically transform anything.

I would only call a spade a spade. Just because YOU took advantage of what you could doesnt make you racist at all. However, if people are going to deny the type of world that we live in (ignoring other peoples problems that they TELL YOU they have) then it just makes me shake my head in disbelief that people can either not see it, or see it but cant empathize.

It has nothing to do with empathy, but reality. It would be great if everyone had access to the best of everything, but that's simply not possible. It boils down to either giving it through merit (ie. NYC specialized schools) or the ability to pay for it (paying a premium to live in a neighborhood with "good" schools). I never said I agreed with the way things are, but this isn't a perfect world we live in.

As for the income tax, you've never read the law, you just pay it like everyone else, so maybe you shouldnt speak on something that you obviously dont understand because you havent taken the time out to do so. Im not a follower. I actually read what impacts me (to the best of my ability), so in doing so I'll come across something that isnt right but you'll criticize me as if im the one who's wrong yet you've never read the code and it says it RIGHT IN THE DAMN CODE. Thats typical.

I've read enough on it to know that The Supreme Court of the United States disagrees... ask John Cheek. I have an obligation to my family to not go to prison to prove some point about a corrupt government, so I'll be a lemming in your eyes. You can hold your beliefs and claim things like the 16th Amendment not being properly ratified, but at the end of the day, as long as you earn a living and make your home in this country, you are subject to the courts which will put you in jail for willfully evading paying the taxes that they claim you owe. If it makes me a follower to submit, so be it, but at least I won't run the risk of being incarcerated.

Besides, I signed a W-4 when I started working at my company, so my only means of avoiding taxes would be to start claiming 50+ exemptions, which must certainlly be a red flag.

As for the learning institutions that you "think" you pay for (if you knew any better you'd realize where your income tax went, but since you dont research yourself no wonder you sound funny to me), I say once you fix free market things will begin to work out themselves because people would have a choice. This is about choices, not institutions and these tax payers that "think" that they pay for it, though 0% of their tax payer dollars go to the institution, it goes to pay the national debt, you know...that 14 trillion you owe lol.

First, you need to differentiate between federal income tax and state income tax. Yes, I understand that federal income tax dollars go to pay back the Federal Reserve Bank. However, some of that money that the federal government "borrows" is sent to schools under various federal programs, Agreed? State income tax dollars are also used to fund schools, as well as municipal and property taxes in some cases, no?

I'm glad that you are well-read on your views of what the world should be and make assumptions about me. It might suprise you, but I've held many subversive views as well and have read plenty... however, at this point in my life, as the sole provider for my family and the only father my kids will ever have, I have enough problems on my plate without inviting others. If that makes me a sheep, then so be it. Living a life of privilege isn't all it's cracked up to be, I guess.

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My point is that there are countless other factors as to why it is difficult for people to advance their standing in society. A lack of top-notch educational institutions is only a small part as to why people remain impoverished from generation to generation.

It's not up to the government or a Board of Education to do things like providing a better home life or trying to prevent teenage pregnancy. Do you not think that pop culture and mass media don't have a huge role in all of this? Does it make sense for kids living in the projects to be wearing the newest Jordans or to have every video game system? People can only improve their situations with either a great deal of luck or an even greater amount of hard work and sacrifice. Simply providing "good" schools to all isn't going to magically transform anything.

It has nothing to do with empathy, but reality. It would be great if everyone had access to the best of everything, but that's simply not possible. It boils down to either giving it through merit (ie. NYC specialized schools) or the ability to pay for it (paying a premium to live in a neighborhood with "good" schools). I never said I agreed with the way things are, but this isn't a perfect world we live in.

I've read enough on it to know that The Supreme Court of the United States disagrees... ask John Cheek. I have an obligation to my family to not go to prison to prove some point about a corrupt government, so I'll be a lemming in your eyes. You can hold your beliefs and claim things like the 16th Amendment not being properly ratified, but at the end of the day, as long as you earn a living and make your home in this country, you are subject to the courts which will put you in jail for willfully evading paying the taxes that they claim you owe. If it makes me a follower to submit, so be it, but at least I won't run the risk of being incarcerated.

Besides, I signed a W-4 when I started working at my company, so my only means of avoiding taxes would be to start claiming 50+ exemptions, which must certainlly be a red flag.

First, you need to differentiate between federal income tax and state income tax. Yes, I understand that federal income tax dollars go to pay back the Federal Reserve Bank. However, some of that money that the federal government "borrows" is sent to schools under various federal programs, Agreed? State income tax dollars are also used to fund schools, as well as municipal and property taxes in some cases, no?

I'm glad that you are well-read on your views of what the world should be and make assumptions about me. It might suprise you, but I've held many subversive views as well and have read plenty... however, at this point in my life, as the sole provider for my family and the only father my kids will ever have, I have enough problems on my plate without inviting others. If that makes me a sheep, then so be it. Living a life of privilege isn't all it's cracked up to be, I guess.

Let me read through this.

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Obviously you dont know why Wesley went to jail.

He made money without (outside) the U.S. That money my friend you have to pay taxes on. Its the law (if you ever read it).

Allow me to ask a question to which I do not know the answer... has anyone successfully avoided a prison sentence in a case of tax evasion using the section 861 argument?

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My point is that there are countless other factors as to why it is difficult for people to advance their standing in society. A lack of top-notch educational institutions is only a small part as to why people remain impoverished from generation to generation.

It's not up to the government or a Board of Education to do things like providing a better home life or trying to prevent teenage pregnancy. Do you not think that pop culture and mass media don't have a huge role in all of this? Does it make sense for kids living in the projects to be wearing the newest Jordans or to have every video game system? People can only improve their situations with either a great deal of luck or an even greater amount of hard work and sacrifice. Simply providing "good" schools to all isn't going to magically transform anything.

I agree, its not up to the government, yet its there...overly regulating the ability for people to do what they can. Teen pregnancies are also an issue I agree, however, That doesnt happen only in lower districts does it? My problem with teen pregnancy is this though, the school couldnt give your kid an asprin without contacting the parent first, yet a child can get an abortion without even contacting the parent in many places. Thats not a genius move. Many kids in the projects believe it or not cant buy jordans or the latest game console. Granted, some people are just morons and deserve whats coming to them, but thats everywhere. Foolishness has no boarders. It doesnt take away the fact that before the govt entered the school system kids were ranked #1 in many major categories world wide, since that time its more around 40 or 50. Is that the Jordan shoes fault? Bottomline is that jordans in comparison to "top notch" schools falls to the waist side. Maybe if kids had proper education (as well as the parents. This is multi generational) they'd know better. Maybe if parents were able to take charge of their kids learning instead of the districts maybe they'd learn something. Maybe if a mother who has kids (who may or may not wear jordans and play games) shouldnt be labeled a felon when there's something obviously wrong with the system and not the parent...because she obviously sees the problem, which made her want to put her kids in a better school. The system is not made for everyone Hector. And I doubt that there wasnt a kid in your school who didnt rock a pair of Jordans. I did, and im a pretty smart 30 year old.

It has nothing to do with empathy, but reality. It would be great if everyone had access to the best of everything, but that's simply not possible. It boils down to either giving it through merit (ie. NYC specialized schools) or the ability to pay for it (paying a premium to live in a neighborhood with "good" schools). I never said I agreed with the way things are, but this isn't a perfect world we live in.

It is possible, however their must be a massive upheaval of our current system. The problem is, it takes the people who "have" to realize this and empathize with the people who dont in order for everyone to work together in order to establish that change. That doesnt come from government entities. Its very possible, we've just never seen it because its not profitable for the few who control it. There's much more to that reasoning but Its just too much to type.

I've read enough on it to know that The Supreme Court of the United States disagrees... ask John Cheek. I have an obligation to my family to not go to prison to prove some point about a corrupt government, so I'll be a lemming in your eyes. You can hold your beliefs and claim things like the 16th Amendment not being properly ratified, but at the end of the day, as long as you earn a living and make your home in this country, you are subject to the courts which will put you in jail for willfully evading paying the taxes that they claim you owe. If it makes me a follower to submit, so be it, but at least I won't run the risk of being incarcerated.

The supreme court isnt the law, its supposed to uphold the law. Thats a big a$$ difference. It is unconstitutional. And because you're not disagreeing with me I understand that you know this. I dont have to ask Mr. Cheek what I already know. I have an obligation to my family as well, and thats to teach them not to be taken advantage of...especially by the system. Im not scared of jail, im scared of slavery. I know quite well what it does. And what I see coming down the road looks alot like it. Many people acquiesce because they feel that they cant do anything about it. Not me. And if I believe in a higher being then I dont have to be afraid of these evil-doers. And I will fight back with my brain until I cant anymore.

Besides, I signed a W-4 when I started working at my company, so my only means of avoiding taxes would be to start claiming 50+ exemptions, which must certainlly be a red flag.

Work off the books, stack up on storage food and vitamins and keep a nice savings in case you have to visit the hospital. Stay away from fast food joints as well. They'll send you to the hospital.

First, you need to differentiate between federal income tax and state income tax. Yes, I understand that federal income tax dollars go to pay back the Federal Reserve Bank. However, some of that money that the federal government "borrows" is sent to schools under various federal programs, Agreed? State income tax dollars are also used to fund schools, as well as municipal and property taxes in some cases, no?

I'm glad that you are well-read on your views of what the world should be and make assumptions about me. It might suprise you, but I've held many subversive views as well and have read plenty... however, at this point in my life, as the sole provider for my family and the only father my kids will ever have, I have enough problems on my plate without inviting others. If that makes me a sheep, then so be it. Living a life of privilege isn't all it's cracked up to be, I guess.

First, thank you for the compliment. Im glad that you atleast recognize (though we have different views) that I dont speak about what I dont know.

The problem with this is, the FED is unconstitutional. The legal tender that we're forced to use is also unconstitutional and it seems like the states ignore this point, no? So again, you really think that the money that they state they apportioned really goes there? If so then you also believe that social security is just sitting there waiting for you to get old lol. I'll take care of myself and my loved ones, like I've been doing.

Look, I understand what you're saying and I have to admit you have some very good points. This does not take away from the fact that the law is the law and there was a reason why these particular laws were put in place. Unfortunately as generations came and past, the new generation (me and you) seem to have forgotten its meaning because its not taught to us in ANY school, top notch or not. It takes due diligence and strength to stand up to tyrants.

I'll see the father before I willingly allow myself to be enslaved by people who ignore the law, be it federal or state. The system is broke and you know it. Sometimes even a mechanic knows that there's nothing that you can do to a car to fix it. Sometimes you just need to re-establish what worked. Until then Hec, call me a felon.

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Have fun trying to tell that to the courts. Wesley did.

You didnt understand what I said. Why would Wes tell the courts that when the courts was telling him thats the reason why he was GOING to jail?

I just informed you plain and simple why he went to jail. There was nothing that he could do because he broke the law. Im not defending what he did. He made money overseas and didnt pay taxes on it. That money is taxable given the law.

His situation is much different from what im talking about. How many people make money all over the world like him? Interesting isnt it?

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Allow me to ask a question to which I do not know the answer... has anyone successfully avoided a prison sentence in a case of tax evasion using the section 861 argument?

No, because once you enter a court room and announce yourself under their juristiction you've lost your rights before you even stated your case. did you know that?

However there's a way around that, and I know it. :-) I'll PM you alittle piece of it.

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There is one simple problem with your theory. You don't decide what is constitutional, the Supreme Court does. If they say it's consitutional, it is. Period. You can cry about things being unconstitutional and being taken advantage of, but if you go in front of the court with your 861 argument you will be doing jail time and your family will be without your income. I don't believe that hate speech laws, the RICO statute or trying people with federal charges who have been acquitted in state court are constitutional. The court says they are, so they are. I could try to fight it, but I can't simply ignore those laws.

In the meantime, who is supposed to be funding the schools?

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There is one simple problem with your theory. You don't decide what is constitutional, the Supreme Court does. If they say it's consitutional, it is. Period. You can cry about things being unconstitutional and being taken advantage of, but if you go in front of the court with your 861 argument you will be doing jail time and your family will be without your income. I don't believe that hate speech laws, the RICO statute or trying people with federal charges who have been acquitted in state court are constitutional. The court says they are, so they are. I could try to fight it, but I can't simply ignore those laws.

In the meantime, who is supposed to be funding the schools?

lol. Man these school are keeping the children stupid.

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