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Curtis Martin Conference Call Transcript 2/1/11


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it was in many ways a different time, because coaches and GMs overvalued feature RBs. And Martin is the perfect example. They gave him 2 huge contracts and fed him carry after carry to justify that, and because he did in fact show up every Sunday.There's value in that, but it;'s not greatness. And for a dumb, simple-minded a$$hole like Hermn Edwards it was a good way not to get 2nd guessed. He's a warrior!He'll get in sooner or alter. But as I've asked and Sperm has asked beyond empty platitudes, show me that game where he faced a great defense in an important game or a playoff game and ran out the 2nd half like Riggins, Emmitt SMith or Franco Harris. I'll spare you the trouble; there is no such game.In fact, in Oakland 2X, Denver, Pitt and SD he did dick.

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My hypothetical gets to be my dream scenario.

You can create your own.


Quick question in other dream scenarios of yours is an inch on a ruler less than it is in reality, to the point where some measurements seem more impressive? Just trying to find some common ground with you.

The money is spent, so there is nothing that we can do about that. If you want to introduce a stat of $$ spent to performance garnered, by my guest on that too.

Yeah, that's not happening.

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Quick question in other dream scenarios of yours is an inch on a ruler less than it is in reality, to the point where some measurements seem more impressive? Just trying to find some common ground with you.

Yeah, that's not happening.

In other hypotheticals of mine, my poop is worth the weight of gold and smells like roses. And Vernon Gholston comes to play. And you can be sure an inch is measured differntly by me too-ask my wife.

So there.

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