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Edwards could possibly sign 1yr deal w/ Jets


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They passed on Braylon for Roy Williams. That says something...

The DWI, followed by not seeming to care about the DWI and then driving his car off the road at 4 am probably hurt him more than everyone thought. He still has a reputation of dropping passes and having one good season out of 6.

That being said- I'll gladly take him back.

It says that when it comes to WR's the bears are completely clueless.

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It says a few things Matt .... one of which is why I'm a die hard Jets fan, growing up and currently living in Chicago. Roy Williams is a cancerous sphincter ... they should grab TO on a futures deal to round out the Martz/Cutler circus.

If we're lucky enough to retain Braylon due to the fact that few humans can do a complete 180 in attitude and actions without a life threatening/changing event prompting it ... we've got more than just good mojo going on here. I have no doubt that keeping Braylon in this fold under Rex will also give him his best shot at really changing for good.

Either way, it surprises me that Braylon is being overlooked for guys like Roy williams. Something's up out there.

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This would be perfect and it's what I've been saying the whole time. First priority was giving Holmes a long term contract. That's done. Now we should give Edwards a quick 1 year deal to see how he works out. I'm all about giving him another year to prove he's not going to have off the field issues, plus on the field he's a force to be reckoned with. Give him a 1 year deal and if he doesn't have any off field issues and plays just as good as last year, we give him a long term deal next off season. That should leave us money to sign Cromartie or another CB, tho I'd rather stick with Cro since he's tried and true and not overkill at the #2 CB position like Asamouasdfgha would be.

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Oh. OK.

I guess New England would be a better spot for him then.

Why does it have to be NE? my whole point is that he is no "Pass Rusher" Julius Peppers is a pass Rusher. He just happens to be the best guy out there at the moment and will be over paid. Would he be better than what we have? Maybe, but he's no one to get all chubbed up about.

Dbrick , or Hunter for that matter, would neutralize him in about 30 seconds anyway. Let him go there.

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