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32green last won the day on January 1 2009

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9,011 Ready For Flight

About 32green

  • Birthday 07/04/1960

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  1. Prayers, best wishes and strength to you both, Max.
  2. 32green

    RIP Savage69

    A JI Stalwart and a guy not many messed with. Big respect and prayers and best wishes for his family. I'm sure he had no regrets. God bless, brother.
  3. Can you do these prints on collectible frisbees? My drawers are topped out on tee's.
  4. How confidential is it if you can pay to read it..in 2005. Seems dumb.
  5. Agreed. And listening to him struggling through live-read commercials is about as painful as it gets. He puts the M in mumble-mouth. Not a huge fan of Chris Carlin, but the fact Scott survived and Carlin was cut (when it was clear Bart was merely using this job as a launching pad for another job) jaundiced me a little towards WFAN and Bart.
  6. Never got Imus. Weird he died like Rose Kennedy tho, getting sucked into a giant hat.
  7. Appreciate his work against the Pats*. Tough as nails. Love that he arranged to have beer delivered to him after every away game. Appreciate that he never changed his demeanor no matter how people sh*t on him or mocked him. I know someone who interacts with him and his family (and alot of other famous folks) and they had the highest praise for him and his character..not so much for the other famous folks. The SB's mean something, however average he could seem at times so...HOF? Yep. Congrats.
  8. Egads, a Jets forum? blech patooie! Or something of that nature :)

  9. I am running a new jets forum and looking for a moderator if interested let me know http://nyjfans.forumotion.net/index.htm

  10. No offense to you, green balls. JI joke. I'm scatological too, we're cool.
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