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Chat with Rich Cimini



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Welcome to SportsNation! On Friday, ESPNNewYork.com writer Rich Cimini stops by to chat about the Jets.

Cimini, longtime Jets beat writer for the New York Daily News and a Syracuse University graduate, covers the Jets for ESPNNewYork.com.

Send your questions now and join Cimini Friday at 1 p.m. ET!

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Rich Cimini

(1:01 PM)

Greetings, Jets fans. Thanks for checking in. Big week for the Jets. Do or die, according to LT. Let's get to it.

zach harris (chicago)

How does mark sanchez compare to qbs like aaron rodgers and tom brady this season?

Rich Cimini

(1:02 PM)

How does a Smart Car compare to a Mercedes?

Rich (PPB - New Jersey)

The Jets have the Bills twice, Patriots and the Broncos in the next four weeks. I feel the pressure will be on the defense for these games and going 2-2 might just take them out of the playoff picture. Any thoughts on the up coming games?

Rich Cimini

(1:03 PM)

They can't go 2-2. It has to be at least 3-1. Two conference losses would be devastating.

Bay Area Jets Fan (Bay Area)

Rich, what's your take on these NFL teams struggling after the bye week? Why is this happening and do you believe this will happen to the Jets on sunday?

Rich Cimini

(1:05 PM)

Before last weekend, teams were 3-9 coming out of the bye. But last weekend, the results were 5-1. So, all told, it's close to .500. I've been critical of Rex's approach to the bye. I don't think you give a team 6 days off. That said, this is the first time under Rex that they'll face a division opponent after the bye and that should eliminate any lack of focus.

LeAnne (Washington)

Hi Rich. My friends are saying that the Jets won't be able to stop Fred Jackson. Can they slow him down and do you think the Jets pull off the victory? Thanks.

Rich Cimini

(1:07 PM)

The No. 1 key is containing Jackson. They can't load the box because the Bills play a spread offense, so they're gonna have to tackle him with 5 or 6 in the box. I have my doubts, so I'm taking the Bills in a close one.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich,Think this week is going to take an A+ game for the Jets to win and i think they do 24-23. I think the Jets will be able to focus on Jackson,Spiller and Chandler because they can leave Revis and Cro on the Bis WR's with no help and that gives the Jets an advanatge.Your thoughts?

Rich Cimini

(1:10 PM)

Ira picking the Jets? Stunner! I jest, of course. I agreed with Revis and Cro. And don't forget Wilson, who is playing much better. This is a game where Revis is huge even if he doesn't make a play. He takes Johnson out of the game with no help, and that allows you to keep a safety in the box to stop Jackson.

Sean (NYC)

Hey Rich - With this years free agents, who do you think the team will try and resign for next season. Tomlinson, Pouha, Bryan Thomas, Donald Strickland, Brodney Poole, Rob Turner, Jim Leonhard, Kevin O'Connell, Mark Brunell, Plaxico Burress???

Rich Cimini

(1:14 PM)

Unless something happens, I'd say Leonhard and Pouha ... but Pouha could depend on the development of Ellis. The rest of the group isn't high priority.

Paul (North Kingsville)

Rich, Your thoughts on Slauson mouthing off about Hunter/Woody? Is Slauson anything more than a JAG himself?

Rich Cimini

(1:15 PM)

Slauson has improved, especially in pass protection. I don't know if he'll ever be an elite guard, but he's a solid player. I don't think he meant to rip Woody as much as he meant to defend Hunter, but it came out like a rip and he realizes it.

Joe (NJ)

Who's a better QB Mark Sanchez or Ryan Fitzpatrick?

Rich Cimini

(1:15 PM)

Right now, Fitz.

John (Boston College)

Hey Rich, question about Revis. As he continues another stellar year, I've heard people say he's going to want a new contract because he's going to be earning a lot less next year (under $10 mil). I was under the impression though that he can want a new contract all he wants, because I believe the Jets put in a provision that if he holds out at any point in this contract the current contract automatically extends a year or two. Am I right?

Rich Cimini

(1:17 PM)

He's due to make $7.5M next year, and yes he does have a clause that says his contract extends if he holds out. But that doesn't mean he won't ask for a new deal. And I think the Jets should be open to it because he's only 26 and we're talking about a potential all-timer here.

Robert (tampa)

Rich how would you compare the drafts of the t-Rex era . To that of the Tangini. Our best players on defense and key starters are around from mangini 's draft. Do u feel like there was a drop off in talent evaluation after he left? Besides his terrible luck with Ohio state defensive players

Rich Cimini

(1:18 PM)

Excellent point, Robert. Let's face it, the foundation of this team is built on the 06 and 07 drafts. OK, Mangini blew it in 08 with Gholston, but if you're going to rip him for that mess, give him credit for the others.

Casey (Long Island)

In your opinion is Revis currently the front runner for the Defensive Player of The Year Award? If not who is then.

Rich Cimini

(1:19 PM)

No question about it. He's the front runner...in my humble opinion.

Rob (Queens)

In what kind of situations do you think Schotty has planned for getting Joe McKnight more involved in the offense?

Rich Cimini

(1:21 PM)

I think you're going to see McKnight split out as a WR, much the way the Bills use C.J. Spiller. McKnight still lacks the discipline to be a good, every-down runner, but he can be a weapon in space. The coaches are trying to take advantage of his strength. That's good coaching.

Jimmy (Huntington)

Rich, Although the play calling has improved the last few games, I feel like the problem with Schotty and the offense is the way too predictable formations. What I mean by this is whenever I see Mulligan in at TE, I know they are running the ball 99% of the time.....same goes when the "Terminator" is set in motion only to come back behind Sanchez getting ready to block for a run again. I feel the Jets really need the extra TE that can both block and be a threat to catch a ball now and again(big loss of Jeff Cumberland) to be a little less predictable. Schotty is not that bad of a coach, just way too predictable.Your thoughts?

Rich Cimini

(1:25 PM)

Here's some knowledge for you, Jimmy: The Jets have used 2+ TEs on 130 plays -- 48 pass plays and 82 rushing plays. So, yes, they're tilted heavily toward the run in those situations, but it's a running package and you'd expect that to a degree. But I agree with you about Mulligan. If he's out there, he's no threat in the passing game.

Greg (Indiana U (via NJ))

Rich, Aaron Maybin has the height to start at outside linebacker, but he doesn't have the weight Why can't he bulk up? He's listed as 240. Why don't they have him in the weight room?

Rich Cimini

(1:27 PM)

Actually, he's only 225 pounds. Basically, he's a safety being used as a pass rusher. He claims his body metabolism prevents him from adding weight. You can add your own innuendo.

John K. (Brooklyn, NY)

Hey Rich, We know about Rex's two duds from the last two years after an off week. From what you can tell, did Rex or the coaching staff do anything different this year compared to the last two weeks-after-the-bye?

Rich Cimini

(1:28 PM)

On Monday, instead of a regular Monday practice, they ran some Buffalo-specific plays. They claim they didn't do that last year. There was more contact than usual in Wednesday's padded practice, with the hope being it helps the players get their edge back.

Jimmy (Rutherford, NJ)

Rich,One constant throughout the last two years of Jets success has been the 1-2 punch at running back, first with Thomas Jones and Leon Washington then with Jones and Shonn Greene and then with Greene and Tomlinson. They haven't had that his year. So what do you make of reports that Joe McKnight is going to see a bigger role? Do you think the Jets are interested in giving him a real change-up role a la Leon Washington, or will it be just a cameo here and there?

Rich Cimini

(1:30 PM)

I think he'll get more touches, but I think it'll be as a receiver, not a runner ... unless they use him in the Wildcat. That wouldn't shock me.

Kicky (North Arlington, NJ)

Hi richBack in the fall of 1995, while watching a Jets preseason game on WPIX with Spencer Ross and Joe Namath, I heard Namath tell me that Ronald Moore was going to be the answer to the Jets' ground game. Yes, Ronald Moore. Now, 16 years later, the ultimate company man has reinvented himself as agent provocateur of the Jets. So tell me: might this sudden skepticism have more to do with light pockets than with genuine criticism?

Rich Cimini

(1:31 PM)

Look, Kicky, we all miss on players. Even the smartest football people misjudge talent. Bobby Beathard picked Ryan Leaf, for crying out loud. I thought Johnny Mitchell was going to be a star. I think Namath is just being honest, although I think it has become quite apparent that he's not a huge Rex fan.

Derek Hamilton (Ontario, Canada)

Hey Rich, I just don?t think enough people give Sanchez credit for being a really good QB at this point in his career. He?s only 44 games old. That coupled with only starting 12 games at USC gives me and most Jets fans plenty to be hopeful for. It seems like he?s best when the games on the line. In his 44 game career he has won 8 games when trailing going in the 4th quarter or in OT. Can you plug into your ESPN stats bank and find out how many (if any) QB?s have more 4th quarter/OT comebacks in a 44 game span.

Rich Cimini

(1:33 PM)

Good question, Derek. I will check. Sanchez is having a nice career. I don't know if he'll ever be elite, but he's won a lot of games. Young QBs are bound to have ups and downs. Look at Flacco, Freeman and Ryan. I guarantee you, Newton will hit a rough patch. It happens.

Amadego (Bronx, NY)

Hey Rich:A lot of talk about how Burress runs mediocre routes, isn't fast, and doesn't get separation. But hasn't that always been the case? At nearly 6-6, isn't he a "rapport" guy whom you just have to trust even when he's not wide open? Do you think there's a trust/rapport issue with Mark and him?

Rich Cimini

(1:34 PM)

Excellent analysis, Amadego. Plax is what he is, he's not going to change. You're dead on about the rapport. Right now, he and Sanchez are still searching. Yeah, I know, 3 TDs, but they still have a lot of work to do between the 20s.

Evan (NYC)

Rich, what's your take on all of this Holmes drama?

Rich Cimini

(1:35 PM)

I don't know if I'd use the word "drama." He's frustrated. I get it, but to his credit, he's not making waves...not yet, anyway. But I absolutely know he wants to see the ball more.

LAJETS (Los Angeles, CA)

Rich - how are the Jets going to stop Fred Jackson this week? Is Ellis going to start?

Rich Cimini

(1:36 PM)

Not sure about Ellis' health status. Coming off an ankle and has missed time. Could be inactive.

craig (NY)

Rich.. What did rex ryan do to the schedule makers? First 3 tough road games back to back to back. Then coming home for 2 games against teams coming off their bye. Then a thursday night game flyingto denver following a sunday night game vs the pats? Seems crazy to me

Rich Cimini

(1:37 PM)

You're right, it's a raw deal. The Jets can't be happy, but they're not going to complain publicly.

Matt (Washington, D.C.)

Rich how do the Jets defend the spread offense attack especially against the run?

Rich Cimini

(1:40 PM)

That's the key to the game. They have to lock down on the receivers, man to man, hoping to keep one more in the box than they can block. Tackling by the LBs and Ss will be critical.

LAJETS (Los Angeles, CA)

Rich - in your opinion: is this game really as LT put it a "Do or Die" game?

Rich Cimini

(1:41 PM)

That's a bit extreme, but if that's how he feels ... hey, who am I to walk away from a story?

Sal (Totowa)

Yo Rich. Always look forward to these chats. Now, I have been holding it in for a long time and I know a lot of other fans feel the same way, but I want to know what you think of the off-season roster coming and goings? I really think letting some of the guys walk for whatever the reason is showing up in games...am I crazy?

Rich Cimini

(1:44 PM)

Thanks, Sal. Interesting question. Guys like S Ellis, Cotchery, Edwards, B Smith really haven't made an impact on other teams. On the other hand, each one of these players had a redeeming quality for the Jets. You have to put a price on those qualities and the Jets weren't willing to pay it. I think they definitely miss some intangibles, such as the leadership of Ellis and Cotchery.

Porky (NJ)

Doesn't Santonio Holmes have a legitimate beef about not getting the ball? You could call it selfishness if he weren't the best receiver on the team, but he is. What's the the truth behind Santonio's lack of opportunities?

Rich Cimini

(1:46 PM)

Well, you can't say he's blown his opportunities. He has no drops. Two reasons: Schotty doesn't feature him the way other No. 1 WRs get featured. And Sanchez isn't finding him. Simple as that.

jeff (NJ)

a bunch of the D-line seems banged up. how much of an issue will this be this week? heck, the LBs are banged up to, come to think of it.

Rich Cimini

(1:47 PM)

This isn't going to be a physical game for the defense, because the Bills are a finesse offense. They want to make it a basketball game. This is going to be about filling gaps and tackling in space.

david (boston)

i think the jets should get holmes involved early so he feels part of the team.

Rich Cimini

(1:50 PM)

Knowing Schottenheimer, he'll call a play for Holmes on the first snap.

Steiny (NYC)

Hey Rich, as you know I have been following you for years, since your days at the Daily News. I just wanted to say, I don't think the heat you get from a lot of the Jets fans is fair. Your articles are honest, fair and intriguing. Keep up the great work, and I hope all is well!

Rich Cimini

(1:50 PM)

Thanks, Steiny. Where can I deposit the check?

Brian (Ridgewood)

Rich, i am definately worried about the jets ability to stop Fred Jackson especially early in the game, but i feel as if their secondary should be able to contain the Bills passing attack. What do they have to do differently to be more effective against the run?

Rich Cimini

(1:51 PM)

You should be worried because Jackson is the key to this game. And we haven't even mentioned his ability as a receiver. He averages 14.0 YAC per catch. Gonna be a tough cover.

Billy (Eastchester, NY)

Hi, Rich. Is there a legitimate chance that Scott could be gone after the season? The Jets' ILB play has been subpar this year and I'm starting to think that Tanny will look for an upgrade with their first round pick. What do you think?

Rich Cimini

(1:52 PM)

I don't think Scott is going anywhere. If I remember correctly, he has a lot of guaranteed money on his 2012 salary.

david (boston)

do you think brad smith gets cheered nov 27th in his first game back to metlife stadium as a memeber of the bills

Rich Cimini

(1:53 PM)

No question. He was a popular player.

Steve (Flushing)

Is Maybin going to get less playing time because of the threat from the Bills running game?

Rich Cimini

(1:53 PM)

Actually, I think he'll get more time because the Jets will be playing a lot of dime.

Steve (NY)

Hey Rich, will Bart Scott be a Jet next year? I heard Lombardi say he thinks Scott and Pace are both done (or close to it)

Rich Cimini

(1:55 PM)

Pace is having his best year under Rex, according to the coaches. I'd have to check his contract to see the cap hit, but I think he'll be back. Ditto, Scott. They'll have a new OLB in BT's spot, for sure.

Oz (CT)

Hi Rich, How do you think the "shared role" for Bryan Thomas's spot is going so far ? Is Mauga the clear front runner to take that or do you think they continue with the rotation ?

Rich Cimini

(1:57 PM)

It'll be a rotation. None of those guys are very good against the run, so the coaches will continue to mix and match.

Sal (Totowa)

Hey Rich. Should we be concerned about Jets play vs Buffalo's tight ends?

Rich Cimini

(1:57 PM)

Chandler a beast in the red zone.

elDanimal (Brooklyn)

Rex and Mike P often switch up play calling duties. Why not have a similar approach on offense? I wonder if mixing in some Callahan or even Lynn play calling would get us away from the predictability every one on earth seems to pick up on. Thoughts?

Rich Cimini

(1:59 PM)

Offense is different. You need continuity.

Walter (New York, NY)

Rich, where is your sense of where the lockerroom is this week? It seems like they are very confident this week.

Rich Cimini

(2:00 PM)

Yes, I would agree with that. It should be. They usually dominate the Bills.

Craig (Bronx)

Will it be a all out Panic if NYJ loose next 2 games?

Rich Cimini

(2:01 PM)

No doubt.

Joe (NJ)

Why would the jets expose Colin Baxter? They're back to having no depth at center and little elsewhere on the o-line. Do they really need to carry four TEs?

Rich Cimini

(2:01 PM)

Great point. They blew it.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, Reports that Plax is ? for this week? That would not be a good thing. Think Kerley steps in and moves to the slot when they go three wide with Turner on the outside?

Rich Cimini

(2:01 PM)

I think Plax will play.

Brett (Manhattan)

Rich- How many snaps do you see Joe McKnight playing on offense this Sunday?

Rich Cimini

(2:02 PM)

5 to 10.

Curt (NJ)

The Bill's #1 pick Dareus looked dominant vs the Redskins last week. Do you think he can continue that vs Mangold in the trenches this week?

Rich Cimini

(2:03 PM)

Doubt it. Mangold healthiest he has been since Week 2.

Rich Cimini

(2:04 PM)

Sorry, but my time is up. Great stuff, people. As I mentioned earlier, I'm picking the Bills. Tough call. I think both teams will run well, but the Bills will run it a little better and the home field will help. I'm 6-1 picking Jets games, so we'll see. Have a great weekend, talk to you next week. Stay classy, Buffalo....Rich

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