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Can the Jets sign FA's now?


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I don't see why not, and if I'm Tanny I bring in David Garrard and Braylon Edwards. Two established vets that fill a couple of holes and send a message to Sanchez. Basically, we're not giving up on you, but if you sh*t the bed again, we now have a capable veteran back up who can step in.

I'm sure there will be a lot of "Garrard sucks" comments but I've come to realize that 90% of fans have two echelons in player evaluation which is, "if you're not in the top three at your position, you suck". Garrard has had a lot of success as an NFL starter with a myriad of garbage WR's. He'd make the Jets a better team. I like when the Jets get better.


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Last I heard he was having serious back issues. ....like real bad..multiple surgeries. .

Really? I hadn't heard about that. I was under the impression that he went unsigned because he only wanted a starting gig. I was hoping that maybe a year out of the league made him a bit more humble or hungry and willing to be a back up.

That does still leave Braylon though. Would love to see him back.

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Maybe a guy like Kyle Orton will be available, I get your point and yes this needs to happen Sanchez needs to be pushed.

I mentioned him in a discussion with some friends the other day. Should be cheap, better than Brunell. Basically, any FA vet who has had enough success that you wouldn't be terrified to put him in a game situation.

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