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Where does the blame lie?


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First off, this sucks that the season is over but who's to blame?

Every one is quick to blame Sanchez and yes his throws were off but what was the root cause of this? A terrible offensive line. How can any QB expect to be hit and sacked like him, especially from the blind side and not be scared. He was lucky to get anytime to throw and not get hurt for that matter.

Second, Santonio cannot be blamed. How can a Pro-Bowl wide receiver, who just signed a huge contract and is supposed to be "the Man" and not get him the ball. Frustration builds, especially when the team is not winning. So why was he not getting the ball?

Shotty was handicapped because his worry of getting Sanchez killed so the passes were 5 second drops and short passes. That keeps Santonio and Plax out of the mix most of the game. Not saying his game plans didn't suck, cause he would abandon things to quickly and when things worked, like screens to LT we saw it only once a game.

The run game was bad all year because the offensive line could not block. This left out the play action pass because teams loaded up on the pass because Shotty abandoned the run game and went to passing.

This led to more 3 and outs and kept the Jets Defensive on the field longer. They got tired and gave up more longer drives and more points/yards.

So who does this come down to? Rex. He is defensive minded and did not care about the O line. He thought he plug people in and they would work. Not true. He could have got anyone since Tanny would have got them for him if he needed. Like Rex said, maybe he didn't have the pulse of the team. So true.


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I have had a couple of days to forget what happened, And being the eternal optimist I believe that Rex does have an opportunity to grow, correct somethings and learn from mistakes. That's what makes good HC's great, and great HCs HOFs.

I also believe we have the team that can win. The main issues I see is leadership, and a stable OC play calling, Sanchez needs to learn and holes filled in OL and DL.

This is not impossible and can be corrected.

2012 will be a telltale year for our Jets. I do believe we can be right there in the end. It's a matter of teamwork.....being prepared, coaching, adjusting all the time, correcting the small things which prevent them from turning into big things....

So with that said. The Jets can be good in 2012, but it will take, alot of work, money, intelligence, dedication, preparedness, and practice to be great.

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This year was an organizational failure from top to bottom.

Tanny didnt build a good team for this year. the Jets lacked quality talent and depth on the Oline, at WR, had a bad blocking TE, and didnt upgarde the safety position. He spent his 3rd and 4th round picks on developmental players who barely saw the field, and didnt IR injured players like Turner immediatly and didnt bring in replacements for them during the season.

Rex and his staff didnt coach

The Jets had way to many mental errors this year, on offense, defense and special teams. We coulndt even get lined up properly on D versus the patriots. On offense and Specials we had way to many turnovers. Cant anybody catch a punt?

The players didnt play.

Again We had way to many mental errors and the players committed way to many turnovers. To say Holmes cant be blamed is ridiculous. Players are supposed to play no matter what the circumstances, and not be the problem.

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This year was an organizational failure from top to bottom.

Tanny didnt build a good team for this year. the Jets lacked quality talent and depth on the Oline, at WR, had a bad blocking TE, and didnt upgarde the safety position. He spent his 3rd and 4th round picks on developmental players who barely saw the field, and didnt IR injured players like Turner immediatly and didnt bring in replacements for them during the season.

Rex and his staff didnt coach

The Jets had way to many mental errors this year, on offense, defense and special teams. We coulndt even get lined up properly on D versus the patriots. On offense and Specials we had way to many turnovers. Cant anybody catch a punt?

The players didnt play.

Again We had way to many mental errors and the players committed way to many turnovers. To say Holmes cant be blamed is ridiculous. Players are supposed to play no matter what the circumstances, and not be the problem.

I like.

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