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Greg McElroy


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I guarantee 100% this kid would beat out pretty boy Sanchez in a fair QB competition this summer. This week he proved he's the only true leader on the team, oh and he won't gift wrap interceptions and drop the ball like it were a hot potato. It would be pathetic if he got cut for being proactive towards fixing this mess.

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didnt McElroy throw a pass 9 yards past the line of scrimmage during a preseason game? lol.

On the other hand, I did like that he voiced his opinion on that radio show. People are saying that you need to keep that stuff in the locker room. Well thats typical, but sometimes you have to grow some balls and just say it how it is. He did so. I respect dude and if he were to beat "The Sanchize" in a competition I'd run with him 100%

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