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What I Really Really Really Want From The Jets


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what I've ALWAYS wanted from the Jets, why I've been watching and following this team since before most of y'all were even born is one thing: TO SEE THE JETS WIN ANOTHER SUPER BOWL. Now I know that may shock some of the dick heads around here, you know the ones, the guys who call us the "SOJ crowd", the ones who are always so quick to categorize us. The guys who are "better" Jets fans than you and me...you know them-they come here every few days to jump in on every thread to tell us how pathetic we are because we DARE to criticize how we see things being run in Florham Park. Well screw you all-I love this team and my biggest wish before I leave this planet is to see us win another one, but with what I have been seeing since the clock ticked 0:00 in Pittsburgh the last time we played them, I am afraid that that wish won't be coming true...

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Everyone understands your frustration Jim. Some just question jumping ship after one bad season that was proceeded by two pretty good ones. I believe you said you were done at about the 3/4 mark last season which I know is frustration talking.

At any rate, what would your plan be? We never seem to hear alternatives to what the FO does other than I would not have done that and this team sucks. So other than statements like I won't be watching the 2012 Jets if Sanchez is the QB what would you do?

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Everyone understands your frustration Jim. Some just question jumping ship after one bad season that was proceeded by two pretty good ones. I believe you said you were done at about the 3/4 mark last season which I know is frustration talking.

At any rate, what would your plan be? We never seem to hear alternatives to what the FO does other than I would not have done that and this team sucks. So other than statements like I won't be watching the 2012 Jets if Sanchez is the QB what would you do?

what does it matter what 'I' would do GS? I have no say in what goes on, all I can do is vote with my wallet-not buy and merch or go to any games. I have already decided that I'm not getting the Sunday Ticket this year. Look, I want to see the Jets win every week-I do not root against them-never have, never will. All I can hope for is the return of the Mark Sanchez who I used to believe in, the guy that I had confidence in that he would be able to bring us back if he had the ball in his hands last-he USED to BE that guy-since he's our QB again then I want to see that guy in 2012-not the 2011 version of a crappy QB that he was...

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