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Rex takes shot at negative "comments." Anyone think the Jet hierarchy reads message boards?


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He's gotta be referring to some fan-generated content from somewhere, right? Does anyone think he, or any Jets front office types, monitor what fans say? I'd imagine they follow the #nyjets hashtag on Twitter to some extent, but I wonder if they'd dare read message board vitriol at all.

If they did read, they'd be wondering why Packer fans are commenting negative Jets comments 24/7 on Jets message Boards :) (Sometimes folks say stuff way too fast and regret it I guess. Hard to get Jet Green out of your blood. Once a Jets fan always a Jets fan I suppose ;) )

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I waited all night 'breathless' to find out what a football genius like yourself would think/say about my

latest tongue-n-cheek remarks..... That whooshing sound is me finally taking another breath..... :wild:


Your own 'totally insightful opinions' are what make this such a pleasure for me. :sign0151:

Glad to be of service. Ill be here all week and stuff.

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Real football geniuses copy and paste the same irrelevant stats over and over and over and over and over and.... amirite?

Naw, the real football geniuses harp about the post of their betters, over and over and over and over and over and.... knowimrite?

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What are you trying to say? I mean, come on, how can you not see the obvious relevance of his 224th posting of the same Tebow stats in a thread that had absolutely nothing to do with Tebow until he showed up?

And the dung heap continues to rise, along with that sweet smell.....

This board couldn't get by without your totally needed (personal attack) hack posts.....

Pleeze continue..... :animal0029:

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